Before we get started, I will give you some insight into how we ended up creating this post about witch hazel. So let’s just say I am one of many with sensitive skin. I tend to browse stores and online shops, looking for products to try and review. I LOVE Dollar Tree. I enjoy shopping there, buying a bunch of items I don’t need just because it’s FUN! So, I recently started a new job in a new location with a changing climate. This has been TERRIBLE on my skin.
In my teenage years, I used to struggle with acne in my T-zone area. (I will discuss that in depth in another post, probably.) My forehead, my cheeks, and under my chin have been breaking out. YIKES. So I went to my arsenal of products and began trying to combat my problem areas. Nothing was working this time. I had to find something else to use. I do plan on going back to my normal regimen after this experiment.
Last week I was at Dollar Tree and saw they had a new line of wipes containing witch hazel. I don’t normally use their wipes on my face. (This is personally due to skin irritation.) Growing up, I knew about the product but never really knew its benefits and uses. So I said, “Let’s go ahead and get these.”

Allure Pore Clarifying Wipes Review:
Yall… I have been using these wipes EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past week and have NOT had a breakout since! Let me not jinx myself but I plan on continuing to use this method and decided to write this. It will be a reminder to myself if needed and in appreciation to the product manufacturer.
I only purchased one bag of wipes just because I wasn’t sure if they would work on my skin. I ended up going to 3 different Dollar Trees in the area and could not find this particular set of wipes. A bit frustrated to be honest but I did end up finding a bottle of witch hazel which I thought was rare! I picked it up and placed it right in my basket then headed to checkout after getting a few other items. (Covers Face) See the photo below.
What Is Witch Hazel?
The witch hazel plant is a type of plant native to North America and a member of the Hamamelidaceae plant family. Sometimes also called winter bloom, the bark and leaves of the witch hazel plant are used to make a skin-healing astringent.
Benefits of Using Witch Hazel:
Thanks to its astringent properties, it’s one of the most effective natural acne treatments used today. Witch hazel has been used to relieve swelling, bleeding, itching, minor pain, and discomfort caused by minor skin irritations (e.g., cuts, scrapes, insect bites). It is also used to relieve itching, discomfort, irritation, and burning caused by hemorrhoids. Other benefits include naturally reducing blisters, fighting bacteria, toothaches, and more.
Skin Irritation:
- Witch hazel may help reduce skin redness and provide relief for irritated and sensitive skin.
- Research suggests that applying witch hazel topically to sensitive skin may be beneficial in the treatment of inflamed, irritated, or broken skin.
Fights Skin Acne:
- Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, some research suggests that witch hazel could be useful in the treatment of acne.
- It acts as an astringent, causing your tissues to contract to help shrink pores while also soothing your skin and relieving inflammation.
- It can be applied directly to your face after cleansing or steaming for maximum effectiveness.
Hair Care:
- Witch hazel may help reduce scalp irritation and inflammation.
- It’s also sometimes used for treating dandruff and dryness, though more studies are needed to evaluate its effectiveness for these conditions.
Additional Treatments |
Skin sores |
Acne |
Redness and Swelling |
Psoriasis or eczema |
Oily Skin |
Cracked or Blistered Skin |
Insect Bites |
Irritated Scal and dandruff |
Poision Ivy Rashes |
Poison Ivy Rashes |

How to Safely Use Witch Hazel:
Most people can use witch hazel safely with minimal risk of adverse side effects and body malfunctions.
- Ointments and extracts can be applied directly to your skin several times per day and safely administered for the treatment of hemorrhoids after each bowel movement.
- Doing an initial skin patch test on a small portion of your skin can help prevent unwanted side effects and skin reactions.
- Some people may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions after applying witch hazel topically. Stop use if irritation occurs.
- Only use small amounts orally and discuss any side effects or concerns with your doctor.
Does Witch Hazel Have an Expiration Date?
Like many other products on the market, they all have a specific shelf life. Although similar to alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, you would assume that they didn’t expire. Witch hazel will typically expire within a 2-year time frame, according to research. If you use this product on a regular basis, I would believe that it would technically expire before then.

When manufacturers produce products and place them in stores, each product is required to have an expiration date whether or not it is accurate. Most people don’t follow strict expiration dates and still use expired beauty products and even some medicines. I would suggest not using expired products more than 2 years after the expiration date. You can find the expiration date for most purchases on or near the cap, underneath the bottles or boxes, and near or around the bar code area.
There are two main indicators that your witch hazel has gone bad. Witch hazel, is clear in its pure liquid form, but once expired, it tends to take on a yellowish tint. It also has a woody scent that smells a bit like a mild beer. Once witch hazel is past its expiration date, it loses the healing benefits you were using it for in the first place. Although witch hazel is astringent, it is not antiseptic. Because witch hazel is primarily used for treating minor skin conditions, using expired witch hazel can possibly worsen those conditions and lead to infection.
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