Most Important Feminine Hygiene Tips For Women

Most Important Feminine Hygiene Tips For Women

For the majority of people, hygiene is crucial. This can be as simple as washing your hands after using the restroom or coughing into your sleeve. Good feminine hygiene is also crucial, even though handwashing may be of equal importance. You all need to be aware of a few basic techniques and methods when it comes to feminine hygiene. Some of these you will pick up as you progress toward adulthood. Others will teach you as you grow up. You will learn the following things as a child, they should be part of your feminine hygiene routine. These consist of the following:

R 5 1, Most Important Feminine Hygiene Tips For Women, feminine hygiene, feminine hygiene,Hygiene,feminine hygiene product,Feminine Hygiene routine

1. Always line the toilet when using a public restroom

When using a public restroom, toilet seat liners are commonly already provided for your use. These are typically stored in a box that hangs on the wall adjacent to the toilet. If you don’t have the container in the restroom you can simply line the toilet seat with toilet paper. Try to be considerate of other people who were taught to do the same thing and avoid wasting the toilet paper in the stall. Line the plastic seat horizontally across the middle, starting with the sides.

2. Always wipe front to back

As for your feminine hygiene routine, be sure to use your tissue properly. This will help you avoid getting infections and causing vaginal discomfort. 

556b21929aed45022b2835a7aed8b0ae, Most Important Feminine Hygiene Tips For Women, feminine hygiene, feminine hygiene,Hygiene,feminine hygiene product,Feminine Hygiene routine

3. Use your foot to flush the toilet

Okay, this seems a bit extra. The handle of a toilet seat can be a sure way to pick up germs. When using public restrooms, you have to be mindful of the people who are using the same stall. This can be kids, teens, mid-aged women, and the elderly. Not all these people who frequent that bathroom have been taught proper hygiene techniques. You have to think about it when you wash your hands. Probably AFTER leaving the stall that houses the actual toilet. You may have missed the mark and contaminated your finger and hands after doing your business.

You wouldn’t want to use your hands to flush the toilet, would you? Consider having clean hands while the person who sat down before you flushed with contaminated hands. Not only that, they may have walked through a field of animal feces without knowing. They used the bathroom and flushed the toilet with their feet, contaminating the handle. Then you flush with your hands. Let’s just be honest here: not everyone washes their hands after using the restroom. Having a proper feminine hygiene routine will help prepare for this. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

4. Always carry feminine hygiene products

Feminine hygiene products are personal care products used during menstruation, vaginal discharge, and other bodily functions related to the vagina. Keeping these products on hand will be great in the event that you have an emergency. You can keep maybe 2 or 3 tampons, pads, & pantyliners in a small pouch in your bag. Although a period tracker would be best for predicting your period, you never know the exact date when it will show up.

5. Use your tissues, before your issues

This means pre-rolling your tissues before you remove your soiled fem products. You don’t want to be reaching for your tissues with a mess on your hands. You are not the only person who has to touch those items in the stall. I would suggest you gather at least 3 folded tissues wads that you will use to wipe yourself. If you are bleeding heavily go for 4 but try not to waste a lot of tissue unless you have your own and don’t mind. I would hate to have to wipe my genital area with tissues containing someone else’s bodily fluids.

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