Blog Posts

Empire Beauty School For Hair, Skin, And Nail Care

Empire Beauty school Campus photo

In a previous post, I mentioned that I went to cosmetology school. I also stated that I would go further into detail about my experience at Empire Beauty School. So, HERE WE GO!

When I decided that I was going to enroll in cosmetology school, I was very nervous. There were two schools that I had in mind, but I was unsure which one to choose. One school was at a closer location, which would make the commute a lot easier for me. I went to the school and saw what they had to offer, but wasn’t quite sold at first glance.

Interior design of EMpire Beauty School campus

The second school was further away, but they had two campuses for me to choose from. One was in Manhattan, New York, and the other was in Queens. I wasn’t very familiar with either area, but I had an aunt who lived near the Queen’s campus. Although I was living in the Bronx at the time so the commute would be a bit longer. After visiting the Queen’s campus, I fell in love with the area and the school vibe. I eventually enrolled at the Empire Beauty School campus in February 2010.

I took my cosmetology course at the Astoria Queens, NY location, and I LOVED IT! Upon enrolling, just like many of you who are looking to enroll or have already graduated, I was very nervous. I knew it was something I wanted to do, so I had to prepare myself to work hard. Cosmetology school is way more than just doing hair. There is a lot of bookwork and hands-on material that you need to complete and pass before moving on. It is not an easy task, I will tell you that much, but don’t be discouraged; you can do it!

Empire Beauty School

As a young child, or as early as I could remember, I would enjoy doing hair and nails. I always thought “This would be great; I can do this; I want to be a hairstylist”. At that age, I had no idea I would have to actually study to do hair. I thought it was just something that you had to be good at. This is very ironic because, as a child, I hated getting my hair done. I know, I know, probably a bad idea. I just didn’t like having to sit in one spot for long periods of time.

Also having someone tugging and pulling on your hair strands. This was way back before they had all these gadgets to keep small children occupied like they have today. Watching TV was one way to sit you down, but it was typically television shows the stylist chose while they were at work. I can’t really remember those days completely; it was so long ago.

Beauty school

Although my troubles with getting my hair done were an issue, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It actually made me want to do my OWN hair. In order for me to do that, I had to learn more about hair styling and ways it could be done better. I also had to learn about my hair type and how to properly care for it, even though it hadn’t been very damaged. Some people have extremely damaged hair.

The Cosmetology Experience At Empire Beauty School:

Textbook Fundamentals

When I enrolled in cosmetology school, there were two different phases of the program. The first few months were the textbook and fundamental aspects of cosmetology. The majority of the work in that phase was done in a classroom setting. This was where you learned all the proper terminology and instructions on how to perform salon services.

You learn how to care for your hair as well as your clients. You also learn which products should be used to perform specific hairstyles. This phase also teaches you how to disinfect your salon station and proper tool disinfection and sanitation. Sanitation is the most important part of any salon services that you perform.

Classroom techniques are being performed on the mannequin. This Empire Beauty School is located in Astoria Queens, NY.
  • fish tail raid on a long hair mannequin with pin curls
  • long hair mannequin with updo and pin curls
  • updo with pin curls on a long hair mannequin
  • pin curls on a hair mannequin
  • pin curls on a hair mannequin
  • curly hair waves on a mannequin
  • flat twist hairstyle with barrel curls on a mannequin
  • flat twist hairstyle with barrel curls on a mannequin
  • Barrel curls on a mannequin
  • waves curls on a mannequin using perm rods
  • wave curls on a mannequin using perm rods
  • curly fluffy, frizzy hair on a mannequin using perm rods
  • removing hair rods to form waves curls on a mannequin using perm rods
  • perm rods wrapped using end wraps on a mannequin
  • perm sett hairstyle on a mannequin
  • flip hair style on a mannequin
  • flat twists with barrel curls on a mannequin
  • high light performed on a mannequin head
  • braided hair style with pin curls on a mannequin
  • male mannequin Kyle
  • haircut on a male mannequin
  • marcel curls on a mannequin
  • bun with curls on a mannequin
  • curly bang with marcel iron on a mannequin
  • curly mannequin hairstyle
  • Beauty school birthday party

The Salon Floor Phase:

Once the textbook portion was completed the next phase was the salon floor course. In this stage, you would be taking walk-in clients or bringing in your own to perform salon services. You were using salon-quality products and performing services that would be done in an actual salon. Most cosmetology schools offer salon services at discounted prices. This is because they want to allow the students to practice and get comfortable with the procedures.

students at Empire Beauty School performing salon services on clients

Also, there is a chance that something may be performed incorrectly. Providing discounted services will ensure that the customers are less likely to be upset and make them more understanding if there is an error. Occasionally, during your time on the floor, you would return to the classroom for additional learning. This was done for a few days out of the week.

If work needed to be done in the classroom, it would be done sometime during the day. The rest of the time, you would be on the floor. The phase is done that way just in case the salon gets busy with customers. Typically, there are only one or two classes on the floor after the textbook phase is done.

EMPire beauty school
This is me at Empire. Yikes, these photos are soooo bad. (Covers Face here)

Once both portions of the course are completed, you will then take a final exam. If you passed, you would graduate and prepare for your state board and practical exam. (The practical exam is physically performing services on a mannequin.)

The State Board Exam:

You must complete an approved course of study! This includes the correct hours needed, depending on your state of residence. Also, you have to pass both the state written and practical examinations to get a license to operate in your state.

As proof of successful completion of schooling, you must have the Affirmation of State-Approved Schooling section of the application completed by your school director. After your application is reviewed and accepted, you will receive information that explains the exam process in detail.

State Board Exam Resources:

State Board Practice Materials:

How To Benefit From Your Natural Hair Journey

Natural Hair Journey
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My Natural Hair Journey

Where do I begin this lengthy explanation of my natural hair journey? It’s kind of a long story of me stepping outside of my comfort zone yadda yadda yadda. For as long as I could remember I had been a relaxed girl. You know with the bone-straight hair done improperly for ages. Yup, that was me.

Natural Hair

From Relaxers To Natural Hair

All through middle school, high school, and a few years after graduating high school, I always had a “perm.” So I thought it was a “perm.” With that being said, we will jump right into the topic at hand. Perms and Relaxers.


In the simplest form possible, a perm is a hairstyle produced by setting the hair in waves or curls and then treating it with chemicals so that the style lasts for several months. It is a styling process used to alter the texture of hair to a curlier or wavier texture.

There are two different types of perms available for client services. The first process is called a Thermal Perm. Also referred to as a ‘hot perm’, this method uses heat to restructure the texture of your client’s hair by wrapping small sections of hair around special rods.

The solution used in the thermal method helps to conduct and infuse heat into the hair, not structurally change it. In this method, heat is what is used to manipulate hair texture. This option creates a softer, looser texture of curl.

The second method used is called a Chemical perm. This process may also be known as a “cold perm”. This is the chemical option for altering the texture of your client’s hair which does not require heat. This is the most common method of perming hair. For this particular service, the hair is wrapped around rods of different sizes (depending on the size of the curl and the kind of texture the client is aiming for). The rods are not heated. Instead, it uses thermal induction to change the hair structure. A chemical solution is applied to break down and reshape the hair into a new look.

Once your client’s hair is wrapped in rods and the perm lotion has been carefully and meticulously applied, wait for the perm to set. The setting time varies depending on the client’s desired result. Once it sets, be sure to thoroughly rinse the chemical solution. Next, dry the hair, and stop the chemical perming process by using a neutralizer.


In the simplest form possible, a relaxer is intended to straighten curly or kinky hair. “Relaxing,” also known as “lanthionization” in hairstylist jargon, is the process by which hydroxide relaxers permanently straighten hair. It breaks the hair’s disulfide bonds during processing and converts them to lanthionine bonds. This process takes place when the relaxer is rinsed from the hair. Disulfide bonds contain two sulfur atoms. Lanthionine bonds contain only sulfur atoms. The disulfide bonds that are broken by hydroxide relaxers are broken permanently and can never be re-formed. This leaves the hair in a straight state after processing.

Natural Hair Journey, sodium hydroxide relaxers

There are three types of relaxers; sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and ammonium thioglycolate. Sodium hydroxide relaxers are commonly called “lye relaxers”. Lye relaxers can be used on wavy, curly, or coiled hair.

Natural Hair Journey, no lye relaxer

No-lye relaxers, aka calcium hydroxide relaxers, are designed for sensitive scalps and can also be used on curly, coiled, or wavy textures. They are, however, actually harsher on the hair than lye relaxers and can dry the hair out.

Natural Hair Journey, Ammonium thioglycolate, perm salt, Ocean Hair

Ammonium thioglycolate is also known as perm salt. This particular product isn’t recommended for coarse or coily hair use. This is because the formula isn’t strong enough to straighten the hair. Although it doesn’t produce results on coily hair, it’s great for straightening fine, curly, or wavy hair.

Now that we have covered all that, we will continue with the hair journey. So back in 2010, early in the month of January, I decided that I would go ahead and check a few things off my bucket list. Cosmetology school was one of the things on my list.

Natural Hair Journey bucket list

My Cosmetology Experience

So in February 2010 I enrolled at Empire Beauty School and started my hair care adventure. While attending school I decided to volunteer to be used for a haircut demo for the new students. In this demo, I was a model for an asymmetrical haircut. (That was the trend back in 2010) I thought I would never really “cut” my hair EVER but I actually liked it!

Of course, you know that with those cuts, one side is extremely shorter than the other. Once my hair started to grow out, it kind of started to look a bit weird. So guess what I had to do? Keep trimming the ends of the longer side until it begins to even out completely. What a perfect time for me to start transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair! Made sense, right? I began my no-relaxer phase in June 2011. I transitioned with MINIMAL clippings of my actual natural hair until the relaxer grew out. (I didn’t want to lose my length!)

Natural Hair Journey, Blunt Bob hair cut

I let my hair continue to grow out until all of the relaxer had been cut. I did a great job maintaining and treating my hair properly until I had enough courage to do the big chop in 2015. Later, I will address all those notions in a separate post. I’ve been relaxer-free for 11 YEARS and counting as of today. I have had “NATURAL” hair (meaning free from ALL CHEMICALS, color included) for 6 years and counting. I would LOVE to get a “perm” or something of the sort, but I will be patient with my roots.

Blog Posts

The all-stars game is always a HUGE NBA basketball event. Before the big game begins what typically happens? You pick your teammates and add them to your team roster of course. when selecting your players be sure to choose people who will be the best fit for your team goals. Be sure to get all the players you feel would help you compete to win! While winning isn’t always everything, be sure you have players with good team sportsmanship.

All-Star 2022 Roster

Here are the 2022 draft clips from the February game in Cleveland:

NBA All-Stars roster 2022

Team LeBron

LeBron James*Lakers
Giannis Antetokounmpo*Bucks
Stephen Curry*Warriors
DeMar DeRozan*Bulls
Nikola Jokic*Nuggets
Jarrett AllenCavaliers
Jimmy ButlerHeat
Luka DoncicMavericks
Darius GarlandCavaliers
James Harden**76ers
Donovan MitchellJazz
Chris PaulSuns
Fred VanVleetRaptors
* All-Star starters
** Will not play because of injury

Team Durant

Kevin Durant**Nets
Joel Embiid*76ers
Ja Morant*Grizzlies
Jayson Tatum*Celtics
Andrew Wiggins*Warriors
Trae Young*Hawks
LaMelo BallHornets
Devin BookerSuns
Rudy GobertJazz
Draymond Green**Warriors
Zach LaVineBulls
Khris MiddletonBucks
Dejounte MurraySpurs
Karl-Anthony TownsTimberwolves
* All-Star starters
** Will not play because of injury
All-stars Team photo, Team Durant 2022 All-Stars photo
Team Durant

During the 2022 All-Star game, Stephen Curry set a record by dropping sixteen 3-pointers to lead Team LeBron to a 163-160 win over Team Durant in the All-Star Game in Cleveland this February. The Golden State Warriors guard totaled 50 points in the victory Sunday night at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse.

Team Lebron
Stephen Curry Wearing his Signature Shoes For The Game

The Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry totaled 50 points in the victory Sunday night at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse. By halftime of Sunday’s game, Stephen Curry nearly broke the 3-point record. He had already accumulated 24 points on 8-of-11shots shooting from deep. He had broken two records in the first half with six 3-pointers in a quarter and eight threes in a half. 

Sadly having to dismantle Paul George’s previous record of nine, which had been set in 2016, He made 17 of 30 shots overall. Twenty-seven shots were attempted from the 3-point range. While this high for most players in the NBA this was just the icing on the cake for Stephen Curry.

Stephen Curry finished out the game with 50 points on 17-of-30 shooting from the field. He had a total of five rebounds, two assists, two blocks, and one steal. He nearly broke the All-Star Game scoring record at the arena that night. The record is currently being held by Anthony Davis, who dropped 52 points during the All-Stars game in 2017. The record is up for grabs to anyone who is willing to put in the work and shoot for it. Until then let’s have a moment of silence for Anthony Davis and his record-breaking abilities and bar-setting skills.

While Stephen Curry was granted the MVP trophy, LeBron James ended the game with a walk-off, turn-around, fade-away jump shot. At the commencement of the Sunday night’s game Stephen Curry received the Kobe Bryant MVP trophy.

Stephen Curry is the fifth Warriors player to win the All-Star Game MVP, joining Paul Arizin (1952), Wilt Chamberlain (1960), Rick Barry (1967), and Kevin Durant (2019). He’s the first guard to be named the game’s MVP since Russell Westbrook in 2016. 

Once again, Stephen Curry’s star performance led Team LeBron to a 163-160 win over Team Durant on Sunday night. 

Congratulations to the 2022 All Star MVP Stephen Curry. It definitely was a sight to see!

Signature Picture Frames can be purchased online by clicking the link below.

Team Lebron

Team Durant

Blog Posts

The First Lady Trailer:

Showtime has released the first trailer for the upcoming anthology series, “The First Lady” The series follows presidential couples throughout American history. The former U.S. presidents, first ladies, their families, and colleagues will be played by A-list stars. The Obamas, Fords, and Roosevelts are among those portrayed in the series. The First Lady is a new Showtime series that explores the lives of three iconic First Ladies: Michelle Obama, Betty Ford, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

The series is created by Aaron Cooley. It stars Viola Davis who is a very influential actress as the First Lady Michelle Obama. This will be the opposite of actor O-T Fagbenle who will take the lead as her husband Barack Obama. Lexi Underwood and Saniyya Sidney play their daughters, Malia and Sasha Obama. It also portrays Michelle Pfeiffer as Betty Ford, and Gillian Anderson as Eleanor Roosevelt. Viola Davis is a two-time Academy Award winner. She is best known for her roles in films such as The Help, and Fences, starring Denzel Washington.

In The First Lady, she portrays Michelle Obama as a strong and determined woman who uses her platform to advocate for change. The series explores Michelle Obama’s journey from her humble beginnings in Chicago to her time in the White House. It also shows her work on initiatives such as Let’s Move! and Joining Forces.

Here are some of the things to look forward to in the series:

  • The performances of Viola Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Gillian Anderson.
  • The well-researched scripts that offer will offer viewers a glimpse into the lives of these women.
  • The timely subject matter that will explore the challenges faced by First Ladies in the 21st century.
The First Lady Michelle Obama

The President:

As you all know, a few years ago, we had the first African American President of the United States. If you aren’t aware of whom I am referring, he was the 44th President and goes by the name of Barack Hussein Obama II. He served as the 44th President from 2009 to 2017. In 1988, he enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

In June 1989, Mr. Obama met Michelle Robinson when he was employed as a summer associate. This employment was at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin. For three months Michelle was assigned as Obama’s adviser. Although she joined him at several social functions she declined his initial requests to date. They began dating later that summer, became engaged, and were married on October 3, 1992.

BLACK-ISH – “That’s What Friends Are For” – Season Premiere – Bow convinces Dre to attend a fundraising event for When We All Vote in hopes to make some new couple friends (and to do their part in increasing participation in each and every election), Their expectations are far exceeded when the special guest for the evening is none other than Michelle Obama. To their surprise, the former first lady accepts an invitation for dinner at their house. The season eight premiere of “black-ish” airs TUESDAY, JAN. 4 (9:30-10:00 p.m. EST/PST) on ABC. (ABC/Richard Cartwright) MICHELLE OBAMA

The First Lady: Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama:

Michelle Robinson was born on January 17, 1964. She is an American attorney and author. She served as the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. She was the first African-American woman to serve in this position. She is the wife of former President Barack Obama.

Raised on the south side of Chicago Illinois, Michelle is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. In her early legal career, she worked at the law firm in Sidley Austin. This is where she met Barack Obama. She worked in nonprofits and as the associate dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago. She served as vice president for the Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center.

During her early months as First Lady, she visited homeless shelters and soup kitchens. She sent representatives to schools and advocated public service.

Michelle Obama also advocated for her husband’s policy priorities by promoting bills that support them. She hosted a White House reception for women’s rights advocates in celebration of the enactment of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 Pay equity law.

Commitments & Achievements:

She supported the economic stimulus bill during visits to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and The United States Department of Education. Some observers looked favorably upon her legislative activities, while others said she should be less involved in politics.

As the first lady, Mrs. Obama served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating. She supported American designers and was considered a fashion icon.

In 2009, Obama was named Barbara Walters’ Most Fascinating Person of the Year. In her memoir, Becoming, Michelle describes her four primary initiatives as First Lady: Let’s Move!, Reach HigherLet Girls Learn, and Joining Forces.

First lady Michelle Obama waves to Zoe Dienes of Concord during a Joining Forces Cookout for National Guard and Reserve and Active Duty members and their families Sunday, July 24, 2011 in Concord, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

Some initiatives of First Lady Michelle Obama included advocating on behalf of military families, helping working women balance careers and families, encouraging national service, and promoting arts and arts education. Michelle made supporting military families and spouses a personal mission and increasingly bonded with military families.

According to her aides, stories of the sacrifice these families make moved her to tears. In April 2012, The Obamas were awarded the Jerald Washington Memorial Founders’ Award by the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV).

The award is the highest honor given to homeless veteran advocates. Michelle Obama was again honored with the award in May 2015, accepted with Jill Biden.

In May 2014, Michelle Obama joined the campaign to bring back school girls who had been kidnapped in Nigeria. The first lady tweeted a picture of herself holding a poster with the #bringbackourgirls campaign hashtag. Michelle Obama writes in her book about enlisting help for her initiative Let Girls Learn to produce and sing the song “This is for My Girls”.

After her husband’s presidency, her influence has remained high. In 2020, she also topped Gallup’s poll of the most admired woman in America for the third year running.

The series premiered on April 17, 2023, and has received positive reviews from critics. The Hollywood Reporter called it “a powerful and moving series that offers a unique glimpse into the lives of these three remarkable women.” Variety said that it is “a must-watch for anyone interested in American history or the role of women in politics.”

The First Lady has been praised for its strong performances, its well-researched scripts, and its insightful look at the lives of these three women. Viola Davis has received particular praise for her performance as Michelle Obama, which has been called “the performance of her career.”

The series has also been praised for its timely subject matter. The first season of the series explores the challenges faced by Michelle Obama as she navigated her role as First Lady in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. The second season of the series will explore the lives of Betty Ford and Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1970s.

The First Lady is a powerful and moving series that offers a unique glimpse into the lives of three remarkable women. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in American history or the role of women in politics.

If you’re interested in watching the series, you can find it on Showtime.

Here are some additional resources about the series:

  • The First Lady’s official website:
  • The First Lady on IMDb:
  • The First Lady on Rotten Tomatoes:

Blog Posts

The new year has already begun and time is FLYING. With so much to do and so little time to do it, I have added a few more things to my bucket list and bookshelf. If you know me I’m pretty sure you know that I love BOOKS! Let’s start off by saying Facebook is one of my top favorite social media sites. With that being said yes I said I love BOOKS. I bet you thought I would say that I love to read. (Insert laugh here.) I actually do love reading. In the same way, I knew exactly what you were thinking. Isn’t that cool? You love to read too. If that is an incorrect statement I apologize for assuming that you stumbled across this past accidentally. I still appreciate you for stopping by! (Insert laugh with a smile here.)

Normally when I’m out and about shopping around I typically browse the book section as often as possible. One of the goals I set this year is to rebuild my book collection. So this post will be intended to give you a few reading choices and let you know what books I plan on reading as well. (I haven’t had time to read them yet but I started on one) The first book I started reading is called Do This For Me. This is a novel written by Eliza Kennedy.

About the Author:

She attended the University of Iowa and Harvard Law School. She lives in New York and Do This For Me is her second novel.

Inside cover info:

“A high-powered attorney dives into the politics of sex, the perils of desire, and why men and women treat each other the way they do.

Raney Moore has it all figured out. An ambitious young partner at a prestigious Manhattan law firm, she’s got a dream job, a loving (and famous) husband, and amazing twin daughters. Her world is full, busy, and perfectly scripted. Or so she thinks.

One sunny fall day, a bombshell phone call throws Raney’s well-ordered existence into chaos, and in a fit of rage, she diabolically, hilariously burns everything down. Once the flames subside, she finds herself asking some difficult questions: Who am I? What just happened? Am I ever going to find my way back to normal?  Assisted by enterprising paralegals, flirtatious clientele, one dear friend, and an unforgettable therapist, Raney thinks the answers are close at hand, only to find life spiraling utterly out of control.

Uproarious, incisive, and poignant, Do This For Me introduces a brilliant, off-kilter heroine on a quest to understand sex, fight workplace inequality, and solve the mystery of herself.

Do This For Me

Amy Kaufman is a staff writer at the Los Angeles Times, where she has covered film, celebrity, and pop culture since 2009. On the beat, she reports from industry events like the Academy Awards, the Sundance Film Festival, and the Grammys. In addition to profiling hundreds of stars—Lady Gaga, Julia Roberts, Stevie Nicks, Jane Goodall—she has broken major investigative stories on sexual harassment in Hollywood. Amy currently lives in Los Angeles with her Australian shepherd, Riggins, and dreams of living in a Laurel Canyon tree house.

“The first definitive, unauthorized, behind-the-scenes cultural history of the Bachelor franchise, America’s favorite guilty pleasure.”

For sixteen years and thirty-six seasons, the Bachelor franchise has been a mainstay in American TV viewers’ lives. Since it premiered in 2002, the show’s popularity and relevance have only grown—more than eight million viewers tuned in to see the conclusion of the most recent season of The Bachelor.

Los Angeles Times journalist Amy Kaufman is a proud member of Bachelor Nation and has a long history with the franchise—ABC even banned her from attending show events after her coverage of the program got a little too real for its liking. She has interviewed dozens of producers, contestants, and celebrity fans to give readers never-before-told details of the show’s inner workings: what it’s like to be trapped in the mansion “bubble”; dark, juicy tales of producer manipulation; and revelations about the alcohol-fueled debauchery that occurs long before the Fantasy Suite. 

Kaufman also explores what our fascination means, culturally: what the show says about the way we view so-called ideal suitors; our subconscious yearning for fairy-tale romance; and how this enduring television show has shaped society’s feelings about love, marriage, and feminism by appealing to a marriage plot that’s as old as the best of Jane Austen.

Joanna Coles is the chief content officer of Hearst Magazines and serves on the board of Snap Inc. She is the executive producer of The Bold Type on Freeform, a scripted show inspired by her life as a magazine editor, and starred in the docuseries So Cosmo on E!. Born in the United Kingdom, Coles was the New York correspondent for the Guardian and the Times of London before joining Hearst as editor-in-chief of Marie Claire.  She was editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan from 2012 to 2016. She lives in New York.




Just as there is junk food, there is junk love. And like junk food, junk love is fast, convenient, attractively packaged, widely available, superficially tasty—and leaves you hungering for more. And both junk food and junk love require enormous amounts of willpower to resist.

Social media and online dating sites have become the supermarkets of our relationship lives. You have to wade through rows of cupcakes and potato chips to find the produce aisle, where those relationships grounded in intimacy and trust live—the ones worth your investment. A diet book for romantic relationships, Love Rules first asks women to re-assess the way they think about their relationships, and then helps them use that newfound awareness to navigate their love lives more successfully in this very modern, fast-paced—and often lonely—digital age.

In these pages leading media exec and former Editor in Chief of Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire Joanna Coles provides a series of simple guidelines for finding worthwhile love: fifteen rules—love “hacks.” She also explains how to use dating apps effectively to expand real-world connections and how to avoid DADD—dating attention—deficit disorder, where the tantalizing promise of someone better appears to be only the next swipe away.

Love Rules will enable you to identify what you want in a relationship, when you should pursue it, and how to find it.


The Best Way To Use Acetone To Remove Acrylic

“I receive a commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.”

What Is Acetone?

Acetone is commonly recognized as a colorless liquid also known as propanone. It’s a solvent used in the manufacture of plastics and other industrial products. Acetone is a metabolic byproduct that naturally occurs in humans. It’s an industrial solvent used in the production of plastics and other goods. A small amount of propanone may be used in household products, such as cosmetics and personal care items; it is most frequently used in the creation of nail polish removers.

Is Acetone Nail Polish Remover?

Acetone is the main component of many nail polish removers on the market today. This is primarily because nail polish is easily removed with a cotton ball or pad because acetone breaks it down. It’s widely used because it mixes easily with water and vaporizes faster in the air. Acetone is a popular product used in the textile industry. Degreasing wool and degumming silk is the primary goal for this product’s usage.

Why Should I Use Nail polish remover?

Acetone is very effective at removing nail polish, but it also has some benefits that other nail polish removers do not have. The scenario I’m about to describe has probably happened to the best of us. This might apply to both men and women. If this scene sounds similar to you, please raise your hand: You’ve just applied fresh silk wraps, acrylic tips, or anything similar to your nail bed. You may have worn them for a few days or weeks, and now they’re beginning to crack and chip.

That may be true for some, but perhaps you’ve realized it’s not your thing and you want them GONE! You’re either going to the salon to have them removed or you’re forced to do it yourself. Yikes, right? Well, not exactly. As scary as it sounds, removing acrylic nails is rather easy. And to help you out, we’ve created this blog post for many reasons. The first is to inform you about what products you will need, what they are for, and how to use them. How do you remove acrylic nails with acetone? Continue reading below for the answer.

How to remove acrylic nails with acetone. Acetone Nail polish remover

What Products Will I need?

  • Nail polish remover with or without acetone
  • Nail polish remover with Acetone
  • Cotton balls or cotton pads
  • Bowl or pail to place hands
  • Towel 
  • Nail clippers/Tweezers
  • Nail file
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Aluminum foil

It is quite obvious that if you have applied a particular nail enamel, you might want to take it off after a while. Maybe for changing the color or design, or even when the old one starts to chip off. So, as easy as it is to apply nail enamel, it can sometimes be tough to remove it. Most nail enamels are stubborn and can be a hassle to get rid of once applied. With the popularity of the nail industry, certain techniques and products have been introduced to get rid of nail paint and enamel.

Here are some of the benefits of using acetone for nail removal:

  • It is very effective at removing nail polish, even the most stubborn polishes.
  • It dries quickly, so you do not have to wait long for your nails to be dry.
  • It is relatively inexpensive, so it is a budget-friendly option.
  • It is available in most stores, so you can easily find it.
DIY How To Remove Acrylic Nails Without Damage Using 2 Different Methods

How to Remove Acrylic Nails With Acetone:

Step 1: Clip

Clip the acrylic nails as short as possible.

Step 2: File

File away the topcoat, nail polish, or any color to avoid getting a mess all over your hands.

Step 3: Apply

Apply petroleum jelly to the skin surrounding the cuticles (this serves as a protective barrier). Next—similar to removing gel nail polish—soak cotton pads in acetone and place them on your nails.

Step 4: Wrap

Tear pieces of aluminum foil and wrap them around the tips of your fingers, keeping the cotton pads in place.

Step 5: Keep Nails wrapped

Let it sit for 25 to 30 minutes.

Step 6: Remove

Pull the aluminum foil gently, and the acrylic nail should come off with it. If you feel resistance, keep it wrapped for another five to seven minutes.

How to Remove Acrylic Nails Without Acetone

Step 1: Trim

Trim the acrylic nails as short as you can. Additionally, doing so will help avoid any potential harm or discomfort that could result from having nails that are too long.

Step 2: Pry

Using a pair of tweezers, use the tweezers’ sharp ends to gently pry the edges off.

Step 3: Pour

One cup of nail polish remover free of acetone should be poured into a bowl. Keep in mind that the remover will evaporate with time, so you’ll need to keep adding a few tablespoons.

Step 4: Soak

Spend 30 to 40 minutes soaking your nails in the remover.

Step 5: Remove

Use tweezers to carefully remove the nail after you feel it begin to loosen. If it is difficult to remove, soak for an additional five to seven minutes.

Danger sign, Flammable Danger sign

Hazards of Acetone For Nail Removal

Acetone is highly flammable but is generally recognized to have low acute and chronic toxicity. If inhaled, acetone could cause a sore throat or cough. Frequent use of acetone on nails can cause the whiteness of the cuticles just after the removal of nail polish and other skin problems around the nails.

  • It can be drying to the skin and nails, so it is important to moisturize your hands and nails after use.
  • It can be harmful if ingested, so it is important to keep it out of the reach of children and pets.
  • It is flammable, so it should not be used near open flames.

Although acetone nail polish removers are known for the damage they cause to your nails and cuticles, they are still the most effective nail polish removers on the market. Also, their damage is no big concern, while other concerns are still on top of the list, including poor salon hygiene, allergic salon dermatitis, and UV lamps.

Until all these concerns are resolved, acetone is still in the back, and professionals will continue to use it. And as long as you are taking good care of your nails, there is no need to worry about it.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined acetone is safe for use as an indirect food additive in adhesives and food-contact coatings and is regarded as a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) substance at certain concentrations. Overall, acetone is a very effective and affordable way to remove nail polish. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks before using it.

Now Constructing The Un-Constructed On The Web

Good evening. Here I am once again, for the hundredth time in the last three days. While we work on constructing this page, I sit here in agony. Not because creating a website is painful, but recreating a website with one hand equipped with nail tips isn’t exactly what I needed. I attempted to remove the nail from my pointer finger before typing this, but to no avail. It is quite secured to my nail bed in the same way I prepare to be present on this page.

Quick Update: Today is Sunday, March 19, 2023. I am sitting at my computer re-constructing my website for a better user experience. I have almost completed a proper page theme and web design. I currently have about 187 published posts on my site as of today. (That was a lot of work!) I also have grown my nails out EXTREMLEY long for the first time in forever. I am very pleased with their length. My nail growth came along with proper hair care, diet and nail care.

Constructing the Unconstructed Nail Growth
Here are my natural nails as of March 19th, 2023

Constructing My Page Goals

Now, while this page will mainly be about hair, nails, and skin, it will also include an array of other topics. These will be things that I feel like I should speak my piece about. The pros and cons of artificial nails will be among the things I would like to discuss. This topic is one of the conditions I am currently experiencing.

So back to this nail before I go on to other topics for the night. Who was the culprit who applied the nails I am complaining about? That would be me. If you have not known me for long, you soon will. With that being said, I will give you a bit of insight into how we got here. Hurt nails, website building, and nail tech beginnings. Back in about 2010, I attended a cosmetology school located in Queens New York. (I will update you on the info at a later date and in a separate post!)

While I had no solid idea what I was doing there I knew as a kid I wanted to attend a cosmetology school. Yes, I graduated, passed my exams, and received my certificate and cosmetology license. Like many others, I never actually used it or renewed it but still perform minor services on myself and a few family and friends. I stay aware of tips and trends in the field and plan on sharing some of them here with you all.

I want to be a trusted resource for people who are looking for reliable information and advice on hair, skin, and nail care. On this website, you’ll find articles on a variety of topics, including:

  • Hair care tips for all hair types
  • Skin care routines for different skin concerns
  • Nail care tips for strong and healthy nails
  • Product reviews
  • DIY beauty recipes
  • And more

I’ll also be sharing my own personal hair, skin, and nail journey. I’m not a professional, but I’ve learned a lot over the years about what works for me and what doesn’t. I’m hoping that by sharing my experiences, I can help others on their own journey to beautiful and healthy hair, skin, and nails.

I’m still under development, but I’m constantly adding new content and features to the website. I’m also always open to feedback and suggestions. So if you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to share them with me!

Back to this whole nail thing. It won’t come off. Acetone will be one of the first topics I will discuss because it is HIGHLY relevant today. I could soak this nail off but I don’t have the time there is work that needs to be done! As I write this post the Lakers are playing the Utah Jazz following the Nets versus the Knicks. Congrats to the Nets for the win against the Knicks tonight. I should probably get ready for bed.

Long day ahead of me tomorrow and I need to draft my acetone post. Until next time, Stay Tuned. Thank you for visiting my website! I hope you find it helpful and informative.

Hello World! This Is The 1st Post Of A New Era Blog

Hello and good evening, my fellow readers, future subscribers, and customers! This will be the start of a beginning that has already begun. If you are new to this page (we all should be, self included), you may not be aware of the website name and its resurfacing. If you aren’t sure what the website name is, should do the trick! So, back to what I had been rambling on about…

Hotstylesbringsmiles: Say Hello To The Origin

Hair care handwritten notes

My first blog was a great beginning that turned into a complete disaster. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but work with me here. I didn’t know what I was doing. I started my blog while surfing the web. I came across a FREE ebook, actually read it, and began following the steps listed. The ebook was a “How to Build a Website” book. The actual information came from a company called ZZZ Profits. This was way back in 2012. It’s very surprising to think that was about 10 whole years ago. I didn’t have a clear niche.

At the time I started my blog, I knew I wanted to talk about hair, beauty, and cosmetics. I barely knew what the word “Niche” even meant, so that was new to me. I didn’t put in the time and effort necessary to be successful. Well, I kind of did, but I wasn’t dedicated to being a blogger or website owner. There was a lot I had to learn, and initially, my main goal was to create a website, according to the book.

As a result, my blog quickly flopped, and I gave up. I deleted my blog and moved on to other things. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was giving up on my dream. I still wanted to be a writer, and I still wanted to share my work with the world.

Wordpress dashboard from 2012

A few years later, I decided to give blogging another try. This time, I was determined to do things differently. I took the time to research blogging best practices, I identified a clear niche, and I created a content strategy that I stuck to. And it worked! I focused on creating high-quality content that would be valuable to my target audience. I also started promoting my blog more actively on social media and other platforms. My second blog was a success. I started to get traffic, I started to build a following, and I even started to make money.

But the best part of my success wasn’t the money or the fame. It was the satisfaction of knowing that I had overcome my previous failure and achieved something that I had always wanted. So, if you’re thinking about starting a blog or if you’ve already started one and you’re struggling, I encourage you to keep going. Don’t give up on your dreams, even if you fail at first. Today is October 29, 2023, at exactly 11:59 p.m. as we speak. Before creating this post in its entirety, this actual page contained one paragraph and one link. I thought it was sad, so here we are contributing towards my success as a blogger and raising my SEO score.

On this blog, I’ll be sharing my experiences as a writer and blogger. I’ll write about topics like:

  • How to start a blog
  • How to write effective blog posts
  • How to promote your blog
  • How to monetize your blog

The list goes on. I’ll also be sharing tips and advice on how to overcome failure and achieve your goals.I hope you’ll join me on this journey! The photographs below are a few screenshots I took way back when creating my original website. Thank God that Facebook gave me the opportunity to dig up these hidden gems.

Over processed hair google search
Celebrities and natural hair google search wordpress dashboard view
Wordpress Website dashboard from 2012