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Can we take a moment to talk about this Gummy Bag Collection? So when I first found out about this particular collection, it was through an email that I received. This email was a newsletter I had subscribed to upon visiting the website. (I’m always checking my emails). So when I received the email I went straight to it because I had to see what it was, the name was just intriguing. I click on the email and the first thing I see are these bursting color bubbles or jelly beans. They were literally just falling out of the sky. It was a very mesmerizing and captivating scene.
Then you move on to the actual bag itself. It’s a fresh take on the hobo style with fresh and fun colors. Similar in size to a clutch bag, but with a bit more storage space. The hobo bag is a huge, often round handbag or purse that has a long strap that is meant to be worn over the shoulder and is shaped like a crescent. Hobo bags sag or slump when laid down because they are constructed of soft, flexible fabrics.
Fun Fact: This style of purse is called a hobo bag because it resembles the shape of the bindle on a stick that hobos are portrayed as carrying over their shoulder in drawings and cartoons.
I like the colors of the bag. It’s very youthful and hip and absolutely perfect for spring and summer. I also like the bag structure. This is a compact style purse with a soft texture that is very durable and sustainable. Instead of a slouchy, sunken appearance, it’s sturdy and solid despite the description of the actual bag style.
It’s very simple and chic, cool and stylish while also being hip and trendy. This is due to the patterned color contrasting handles. It’s solid hue and patterned handle are features I enjoy. It gives the bag a sense of “Ooomph.”
The Gummy Bag is a logo-branded recycled PVC rubber Armani shoulder bag. It’s a solid color bag with contrasting detachable shoulder straps. The interior is unlined, and the bag has a magnetic fastening closure. The Gummy Bag Collection comes in seven colors which are red, light green, fuchsia, black, pink, and green. In order to combat climate change and environmental hazards, this bag is made out of recycled materials. This hobo-style mini bag comes in a variety of colors to fit multiple styles.
All of the bag’s components are PVC polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl is the world’s third-most widely produced synthetic polymer of plastic. PVC comes in two basic forms: rigid and flexible. The rigid form of PVC is used in construction for pipe and in profile applications such as doors and windows.
PVC in its rigid form is employed in pipe construction and in profile applications, such as doors and windows. Plastic bottles, non-food containers, food-covering sheets, and plastic cards are also made with it (such as bank or membership cards).
Plasticizers can be added to make it softer and more flexible; phthalates are the most popular choice. In this form, it is also utilized in many other places where the rubber isn’t appropriate. This includes plumbing, electrical wire insulation, flooring, signage, phonograph records, inflatable items, and imitation leather. When used with cotton or linen, it is used in the production of canvas.
Overall, I like the collection as a whole. I think it is a good addition to the Armani brand. It’s a great way to add a bit of flair to his ultra-elegant, classy, and sophisticated pieces. It’s a collection that’s fresh, and colorful. Also along with my sugar rush, I learned a few things about style and handbag construction. I love everything about the Gummy Bag Collection. I am here for it all.
How To Clean Your Flat Iron Plates, The Easy Way!
3 Mar, 2023
How often do you clean your flat iron? If you use your heating tools to conduct business the answer may be multiple times during the day. After each client or even in between sections of hair depending on the products being used. Many of us who use heating tools for personal use, may have an answer similar to once every few months or not at all. I know this sounds TRAGIC but it’s typically a harsh reality.
Having a burned-out flat iron may be VERY embarrassing. While you should be ashamed it’s fairly common. That’s exactly how I got the inspiration for this post. So the story goes like this, I was getting myself prepared for wash day and decided to do a length check on my hair. The products that I’ve been using for my hair are intended to provide me with length retention. While using these products I began to notice that my ends were looking thinner than they normally do.
This indicated that I probably needed to clip them to avoid additional breakage if that was the cause. So I got my scissors and just began to clip away all the thin ends. My hair was twisted in a protective style at the time so I thought it would be harmless. While doing this, I didn’t have an actual method of how I was trimming my ends. I just wanted the thin pieces gone. So I decided to do a length check to see if I had unintentionally cut off too much hair.
I grabbed my flat iron to prepare for the worst. (I typically only straighten one small section of hair) This is because I don’t usually use heated styling tools on a regular basis. I think this helps with my hair growth because heat damage is one type of damage that I don’t need. I know I’m not the only one, but I don’t typically clean my flat iron after I use it. As with anything over time, the products began to build up on my iron plates. When you have product buildup on your flat iron plates it typically looks like melted chocolate, depending on how much product buildup items you have.
This buildup occurs on the inside of your plates. Regardless of them being ceramic or titanium plates, it’s all the same. I straightened one small patch of hair before I started the cleaning process. The problem I was having with the product buildup was that my hair didn’t look as silky and shiny as it should have. In addition, my hair would become extremely frizzy and puff out soon after straightening. I simply decided that I needed a new flat iron, and I was going to get one.
I went online and began looking up all the types of flat irons that I would like to purchase in the future. I had also been testing out new products. I could review my blow-dry lotions and heat protectants better if I had a new flat iron. Shampoo and conditioners included. Having straightened or pressed hair would allow me to see if the products were functioning. This would allow me to assess my hair’s sheen, moisture, softness, and modified texture to the best of my ability.
Cleaning Your Flat Iron
After my online research, I got the idea that maybe I should just clean off my old one. Cleaning my flat iron would let me know if the products I’m using are working immediately. In turn, it will also let me know if I actually need a new flat iron.
The plate is what polishes your hair and makes it silky smooth. Cleaning your flat iron may also indicate whether or not your plates lost their luster. This method will let me know if my plates were dull or if my iron wasn’t essentially heating up to the proper temperature.
As a result of being covered, the buildup would essentially prevent the plate from polishing my hair strands. The product buildup could actually be blocking the heat from the plate onto my hair. So what did I do to figure out the best way to clean my flat iron plates? I went online and typed in how to clean your flat iron plates. There were many search results showing different methods of cleaning your flat iron. I went with the quickest method that I could find. I watched one video on YouTube and decided to try it. I already had everything I needed at home to finish the task.
So I went and gather my materials shortly after watching the video and I want to go test it out and see if it actually worked. Cleaning your flat iron using the method I watched requires a minimal amount of tools. The tools that you need to clean your flat iron using this method include the following:
Your flat iron
Outlet to plug your iron into
Towel or cloth
Oven cleaner
Aluminum foil
Face mask
To begin the process of cleaning your flat iron first you need to find a well-ventilated area. When cleaning your flat iron, heat it up for at least two to three minutes to let it get warm. While you are letting your iron warm, lay your towel down on a flat surface.
Once your iron heats up, turn it off. You can unplug it for safety purposes to avoid any electrical shocks. After you turn your iron off immediately spray your plates with oven cleaner. Close your iron plates together tightly and cover the top portion of the iron in aluminum foil.
Wrapping your iron in aluminum foil will cause your straightener to heat the oven cleaner more effectively. I will say that I didn’t necessarily like the wrapping of my iron in aluminum foil. The iron I use has ceramic plates which are typically gold in color. After I wrapped my iron in aluminum foil the first time and removed the straightener’s minor scratches. Similar to peeling off the paint or coating so I just scrubbed my plates with the toothbrush and wiped it off.
It’s normal to need to clean your straightener more than once. The same procedure you used the first time should be repeated. The second time after I sprayed the oven cleaner on the plates I left them unwrapped. I closed my plates tightly together and scrubbed the outside perimeter with the toothbrush. I thought that since the iron was still hot, the oven cleaner would seep back down between the plates. This was to avoid any further scratches or peeling.
After performing this several times, I was actually able to completely remove all the product buildup from my flat iron plates using this method maybe three or four times without the aluminum foil wrapping. Going into this process, I didn’t believe that the discoloration of my iron plates that was caused by the buildup would actually disappear. I simply assumed that I would be cleaning product buildup—like cakiness—off of my flat iron plates.
After removing the product buildup I went back into the section that I had previously straightened. I sprayed my heat protectant onto the section before straightening it. This time using my freshly cleaned flat iron. I noticed a big difference in how straight my hair was, how shiny it was, and how long it stayed straight after being flat ironed. My hair actually stayed straighter or flattened for a longer period of time than when I was previously straightening my hair with product buildup. Overall, I believe that this method of cleaning my flat iron was excellent.
I enjoyed watching this video because it helped me save a lot of time and money if I decide not to purchase a new iron. I did realize that I would probably choose a titanium flat iron over a ceramic flat iron if I had the choice. The majority of flat irons are typically ceramic, but the kind you need will depend on the texture and type of your hair.
Additionally, I would prefer to use an iron that actually displays the temperature being used. The Andis straightener that I currently have doesn’t display it on the dial. This is so I can determine whether the temperature of the flat iron is perhaps too hot for the texture of my hair. It would also indicate whether or not I need to the plate type for a more flawless silk press.
The Best Of "Blue Monday" Hand-Painted Nail Art
24 Feb, 2023
So I was on Facebook the other night and came across this BOMB “Blue Monday” nail design. It was a design depicting a painting across 4 nails. This was a very well-thought-out and executed set of hand-painted nail designs. I had to talk about it because it was very inspiring to me. So I did some research on the painting which is titled “Blue Monday”. Why? It’s because I’m “never not working”.
Before we get started on the actual painting can we have a moment to adore these nails? The nail artist can be found on multiple social network sites such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, & YouTube: @MiraLangNailedIt_
About The Author
The author, Annie Frances Lee, was an American artist. She is best known for her depictions of African-American women and men in their everyday work lives. Her paintings reflect her own experiences as well as her observations of the communities around her. Her body of work is widely characterized by images without facial features. In her paintings, she uses body language to show emotions and expressions. The most popular of her paintings are “Blue Monday” and “My Cup Runneth Over.”
Blue Monday is a painting that shows a tired, faceless woman sitting on the edge of her bed. Despite the fact that she appears tired in the picture, she is sitting up and alert. She’s just getting ready to start her work day. This is a very normal depiction of pretty much every working person around the world.
This painting was painted in Chicago in the year of 1985. The first conceived notion of the painting came about while the artist was getting ready to catch the bus on her way to work during a cold winter morning. I can relate to this painting being from New York. Having to travel outside during the winter months is never any fun. And waiting for the bus during those cold and windy days is even worse.
I have traveled to Chicago once before and I know for a fact I would feel the same exact way. The air in Chicago is very chilly and icy. It feels as if razor blades are peeling the skin off your face. This could also be part of the reason she may have depicted the woman without a face.
Upon further research, this could also be a depiction of her version of “hypothermia”. The signs and symptoms vary depending on the degree of hypothermia. People with hypothermia may appear pale and feel cold to the touch. Infants with hypothermia may feel cold when touched, with bright red skin and an unusual lack of energy.
Stage 2 of hypothermia is a moderate case with the body showing symptoms of Drowsiness without shivering. The body temperature is between 28–32 °C and or (82.4–89.6 °F). This painting is very enlightening with very deep emotion and hidden gems, to say the least. I am very impressed with this token of Black History. I also appreciate the nail tech for her intricate hand-painted nail design which inspired this elaboration.
Lil Wayne's Welcome To Tha Carter Tour On The Way
23 Feb, 2023
Lil Wayne is hitting the road this spring to kick off his much-anticipated “Welcome to Tha Carter Tour”. This tour should signal that the long-awaited “Carter VI” album should be right around the corner. (Hint, Hint) Even if it isn’t so we all will hope that it is.
Lil Wayne recently announced that he would be headlining a 28-city tour with his first appearance in Minneapolis on April 4, 2023. The Welcome To Tha Carter tour dates include making appearances in locations such as Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, and NYC before closing out the “Welcome To Tha Carter Tour” in Los Angeles on May 13, 2023.
According to TMZ, Lil Wayne’s hometown of New Orleans happens to be left off of the cities hosting the tour. It’s rumored that he keeps New Orleans from his tour lineups due to the Weezyana Festival. This is a special show for the people of The Big Easy that will be enjoying its 7th edition later this year. Keep your fingers crossed!
American rapper Lil Wayne was born Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. on September 27, 1982. He is a native of the Hollygrove neighborhood of Uptown New Orleans, Louisiana’s 17th Ward. Growing up in an impoverished community, he began his career in 1995 at the age of 12. Rapper Birdman signed him to Cash Money Records at the time, making Lil Wayne the label’s youngest artist. Lil Wayne then joined the group the Hot Boys in 1997 with his labelmate B.G. The group was formed in New Orleans, Louisiana, and included rappers Juvenile and Turk.
With his first solo album, The Block Is Hot, released in 1999, Lil Wayne made his first solo breakthrough into the music industry. Lights Out, his second album, was released in 2000. In 2002, his third album, 500 Degreez, was made available to the public.
Tha Carter, which was Lil Wayne’s fourth studio album, was released in the summer of 2004. It was praised by critics as an improvement in both his rapping style and lyrical themes. The album also featured collaborations with renowned artists like Jay-Z and T-Pain. Tha Carter went on to become one of Lil Wayne’s most successful albums, cementing his place in the rap industry.
Tha Carter II album, the sequel to the first Tha Carter album, was released in December 2005. Tha Carter II debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 albums chart with sales of more than 238,000 copies in its first week. The album went on to sell 2,000,000 copies worldwide. “Fireman” The first hit single on the album, and a fan favorite peaked at number 32 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The album received critical acclaim for its lyrical content and production, solidifying Lil Wayne’s position as one of the top rappers in the industry. Tha Carter II also features collaborations with notable artists such as Robin Thicke, T.I., and Curren$y.
When Tha Carter III was released on June 10, 2008, it sold over 1 million copies in its first week. Rebirth, his sixth solo album, was instead made available on February 2, 2010. On September 27, 2010, Carter’s 28th birthday, his tenth album, I Am Not a Human Being, was released. In the United States, the album has sold over 953,000 copies. Despite mixed reviews, Rebirth debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 and has since been certified gold by the RIAA. I Am Not A Human Being also received mixed reviews but still managed to debut at number 2 on the Billboard 200.
Lil Wayne’s success continued with the release of his eleventh studio album, Tha Carter IV, which debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart and sold 964,000 copies in its first week. He has since released several more albums and continues to be a prominent figure in the rap industry. ThaCarter V was finally released on September 27, 2018. The Funeral was released on January 31, 2023.
He is frequently referred to as one of the greatest rappers of all time. Lil Wayne is also regarded as one of the most influential artists of his generation. It appears that the vast majority of critics who have evaluated his body of work are probably right. Now we wait on the Carter VI and I Am Not a Human Being III.
The Lil Weezyana Fest 2023
The Lil Weezyana fest will be a one-day event dedicated to his Home town of New Orleans. The festival was initially curated to raise money for his fellow natives impacted by the tragic losses associated with Hurricane Katrina. This was one of the most horrific weather storms to date. many people suffered great losses after the hurricane settled down. It was to be used as an outlet to relieve stress, uplift the towns and show love and support during the clean-up and rebuilding of neighborhoods in the surrounding areas. During the event, there will be several other trending artists’ performances including the hometown favorite.
To Be Announced…While we wait check out this article Kant NoBody Collab.
A Birthday Toast To Yoko Ono's Season Of Glass
22 Feb, 2023
Happy Birthday Yoko Ono!
Rasing a toast to Season of Glass, I found an article that interested me. This occured while conducting my routine research on topics to write about.
Writing this article has sentimental value to me for a variety of reasons.
I made an effort to be active on social media while I was still a young adult. This was the beginning stage of establishing myself in the world of social media on a large scale. Creating multiple social media accounts while attempting to be social during the “verified” era. Having that blue check beside your name was a quality that people highly valued.
Yoko Ono, one of the first verified artists, followed me on Twitter. I felt thrilled, enamored, and inquisitive. I had to look more closely and learn more about her because I had no idea who she was at the time. (This was probably back in about 2012.) I discovered at that point, she was an artist who had been married to John Lennon. He was a well-known Beatles singer before his passing in 1980.
Who Is Yoko Ono?
Yoko Ono is a Japanese multimedia artist, singer, songwriter, and peace activist. She was born and raised in Tokyo before relocating to New York City in 1952 to be with her family. In the early 1960s, she got involved in the downtown artist’s scene there. She became well known in 1969 when she married John Lennon of the Beatles. In 1981, she released her fifth album, titled Season of Glass.
The cover of the album was very controversial, to say the least. It featured a cover photo of John Lennon’s bloody glasses next to a half-filled glass of water. A view of the items overlooking Central Park in the background. This was her first solo recording after her husband passed.
I first came upon the reference to the album through a google trends search. The search yielded this particular post, Yoko Ono Season of Glass that I had to visit. Before reading the entire article the first thing I had to do was listen to the album. That was so I could make my own assumptions. I actually enjoyed Season of Glass and felt like it was a great album to listen to even in the year 2023.
There are many aspects of Seasons of glass that I love. I want to start with the album cover. It is a very sentimental, compassionate, and sorrowful cover. With so many emotions filled in one image, you can feel whatever emotion was already there without even listening to a single track.
Many people were outraged that she chose this particular image as her album cover. Some people were sympathetic. Some people may have felt like it was a token deserving of being a part of history. similar to that of a collector’s item or an obituary. Perhaps it was her way of saying sorry, or maybe I miss you. All hail the King, ’til death do us part, or may he rest in peace. According to research, the photograph of the blood-stained glasses sold at an auction in London in April 2002 for about $13,000.
The second thing I enjoyed most about the album was the title, “Season of Glass. Thinking about all the reasons she chose this title filled my head. Could she have been expressing the pain she felt by not being able to see him in the physical form? Were his or her tears blurring their vision to the point where it was hard to see? Maybe she was trying to say that she was no longer hiding her pain.
Was she feeling anger and holding back tears? Maybe the album cover depicted the duo as we knew them. John has a birthdate falling under the Libra zodiac and is a native of Liverpool. The kanji translation of Yōko (洋子) means “ocean child.” As a result, the eyeglasses and glass of water were combined.
I like the simplicity of the album cover. Including the font and photography visuals. It seems like the album was intended to be short and sweet. Straightforward and simple. Now let’s get straight into the album itself. The first song, “Goodbye Sadness,” was a great choice to open Season of Glass. She appears to be praying for him to find peace in the afterlife.
“Mindweaver” sounds like she is here depicting the moments when she felt in love with John Lennon. The times they spent together and her wondering if they’d ever be more than acquaintances. “Even When You’re Far Away” seems like a sincere apology from her. Sympathy about the situation surrounding their relationship, his sudden passing, and the emotion her letter would bring. It’s actually one of my favorite songs on “Season of Glass.”
Season Of Glass Written by Yoko Ono
Goodbye Sadness
I Dont Know Why
Extension 33
Even When You’re Far Away
No, No, No
Nobody Sees Me Like You Do
Will You Touch Me
Turn Of The Wheel
She Gets Down On Her Knees
Silver Horse
Mother Of The Universe
2023 Winter Hair Growth Product Regimen Reviews
21 Feb, 2023
Aunt Jackie’s Oh So CleanShampoo
This shampoo is moisturizing and softening. It is enriched with coconut oil, shea butter, and extra virgin olive oil. It softens unmanageable hair and cleanses it gently and thoroughly. This is all without that “crunch factor” afterward. Your hair will become softer and easier to manage after the first cleansing. Make sure to use only a small amount in your hair because this shampoo produces a lot of lather. It works on all hair types and leaves your hair feeling clean and silky. This shampoo doesn’t let you down; it’s lightweight, doesn’t dry you out, and doesn’t leave a film behind. It’s great for length retention and is excellent for detangling.
Doo Gro Deep Down Intense Penetrating Conditioner
This product is best used to replenish moisture to dry, damaged, relaxed, or chemically treated hair. After the first use, this product helps detangle hair to prevent breakage and reconstruct damaged hair. It removes any split ends, and makes hair feel healthier, which promotes hair growth. Shampoo your hair, then towel it dry. This should be done before applying this conditioner as a deep conditioning treatment. comb or massage some of the conditioner through your hair. If you want more intense conditioning, leave it on for 5 to 15 minutes rather than 2 to 5 minutes.
To increase the intensity, you can use a heated cap, a plastic cap, or a hot towel, but it’s not necessary. After applying the product and allowing it to dry, thoroughly rinse your hair, then style it as you like. Last week, I used this conditioner for the first time on my hair, and I really like it. Despite the fact that it smells like banana pudding or something similar, avoid eating it. I shampooed my hair first before applying the deep conditioner. I covered my head with a plastic cap and let it sit for the entire night.
The following morning, I washed the deep conditioner from my hair and continued to condition it as usual. My hair felt softer, smoother, and more manageable than usual, especially near the crown, though this could be because of the assortment of products I’ve been using, which are listed on this post. If you have thick natural hair, you are aware of how challenging it is to work with the crown region. I love Doo Gro hair products because they stimulate your scalp and assist with your hair growth journey.
This product is made for curly or coily hair that is extremely dry. It gently softens your hair while hydrating and moisturizing it from roots to ends. Coconut oil is infused into it to make it more manageable and to add a ton of moisture. I have been using the Coco Creme conditioner by Carol’s Daughter as a co-wash because I don’t think it gave my hair the feel I wanted.
My daughter’s hair is a little bit finer and more defined, so I thought it would be best to use it on her. I would recommend using these products, but I would use them on my daughter’s hair rather than my own. It has a wonderful scent, is lightweight, and one bottle will last you through a few washes.
Cocoa Butter Length Retention Conditioner with Biotin
This conditioner, which is silicone-free, strengthens, moisturizes, and detangles your hair. It was produced for all hair types and textures. Additionally, it improves the manageability, shine, and general health of your hair. This conditioner is designed to aid in maintaining the length of your hair while encouraging hair growth and stimulating the scalp. I’m currently conditioning my hair with this conditioner and using Palmer’s leave-in conditioner.
I am using these together to see if they actually encourage hair growth. While I’m utilizing these items, I also use a hair growth oil, which is my preferred option. I use the Palmer Biotin conditioners and the Mane Choice H2Oh! hair growth oil on my scalp. I’m using all of these products together because I want to see if there is, in fact any significant amount of growth. Normally, I use a lot of length-retaining products at once, as well as products that promote hair growth.
This conditioner smells just like cocoa butter, which I like. I like the quantity of this product; I believe I was able to get three good conditioning treatments out of one entire bottle, though I did buy two of them just in case. I’ve now used up one entire bottle of this product, so I figured now would be the ideal time for me to write my review.
Palmer’sCocoa Butter Length Retention Leave-in Conditioner with Biotin
This product can strengthen your hair and lengthen it to its natural state. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Length Retention Leave-in Conditioner is silicone-free. You can instantly remove tangles and knots from your hair while strengthening it, making it easier to manage and ready for styling. Before sealing the ends of my hair with beeswax or edge control, I combine my leave-in conditioner with hair oil and apply it to the hair strands. I typically use this product after my hair is already washed, so I would suggest using it on damp hair.
There are times when I will retwist my hair when it’s dry. In those cases, I will apply this product to my dry hair to add a bit more hydration. I’ve used this product for about 3 weeks and have noticed that my twist style looked a bit lengthier than normal. I will continue to use this product to see if it’s actually working since I haven’t noticed any significant increase in my length. I chose not to buy the Palmers shampoo because I already use a shampoo that I enjoy.
Although it is advised to use a brand’s entire product lineup, I rarely do so. Even if you enjoy one product from a particular brand, the entire lineup may not be suitable for your hair. I generally use hair products that work for me.
While using these products, I’ve also been trimming a lot of my ends because I’m trying my best to grow healthier hair. I believe my hair is generally healthy, but I’ve noticed that I have a lot of split ends and breakage. I’ve been busy with other things and have had difficult wash days, I didn’t have time to really pay attention to my hair. Now that I’ve found time to properly take care of my hair, I’m updating you on the products I use and whether I enjoy them enough to keep using them on my hair or not.
I haven’t experienced many problems yet, but I do believe that this product might be useful for length retention and hair growth. I purchased two bottles of the actual conditioner in addition to the leave-in conditioner because I will also be using other products. I only purchased one bottle of the leave-in conditioner in order to review it, so please excuse me if I like it and it works.
Regular use of this product ought to prevent breakage, split ends, and hair dryness. It is also beneficial to use this as a hot oil treatment for the skin, body, and overall nail health. Utilizing this oil also encourages healthy scalp growth. A few reviews of this product state that while it does eliminate frizz, soften hair, and add a lot of shine, it is unclear whether the product actually causes hair growth. It’s best to avoid using too much of this product because it can leave your hair looking extremely greasy and oily.
It is advised that you apply this oil as a hot oil treatment rather than putting it on your hair at room temperature. If you’re looking for softer hair, heat your oil to a lukewarm or semi-warm temperature. Be sure that it’s not too hot, scalding, or boiling—before applying it to your scalp and hair. After applying the product, place a plastic cap over your head and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. After allowing your hair to set, thoroughly rinse it and continue styling as usual.
I use this product along with my leave-in conditioner or hair lotion. In order to control how much oil I’m using, I spread some of the lotion onto a tray. This method prevents my hair from becoming overly greasy. Then I add perhaps a tablespoon and a half of olive oil. I mix the products together, creating one lotion with additional oil before smoothing and styling.
The Mane Choice Scalp Oil
The goal of this hair oil is to produce silky, healthy hair. The light weight of this oil is intended to calm and purify your scalp, preventing dry and brittle hair. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. The Mane Choice H20h! Scalp oil can be used on damp or dry hair. It should be applied directly to your scalp and massaged in well without rinsing it out. You can style your hair as usual and use it daily or as often as necessary. I started using these products two to three weeks ago.
I started using this oil in December and it is now February, I’d say that I’ve been using it for at least 6-8 weeks. It has a grape-type scent which I like. I try not to use too much of this oil because it is somewhat pricey and primarily used for the scalp rather than the hair. I would say that I used this oil maybe twice a week, and I did so for the purposes of hair growth.
Proclaim Coconut Oil Hair and Scalp Conditioner
This conditioner is frequently applied to hair that is dry or brittle. You will have healthy, moisturized hair because it prevents breakage. It maintains your hair’s hydration from the root to the tip, removing split ends. Simply massage coconut scalp conditioner into your scalp, and comb through to the ends. That’s pretty much all there is to using it.
Apply this product to your hair several times per week if your scalp is particularly dry. I use this product as a sealant in my hair routine. I place a small amount of conditioner onto my hands and rub them together. I use this method as a way to warm it before distributing it evenly throughout my hair. I then smooth my leave-in conditioner or my hair lotion over the top.
Is An Adhesive Tab More Effective Than Nail Glue?
20 Feb, 2023
What are adhesive tabs?
Adhesive tabs are preshaped, and they are typically round or circular. Adhesive tabs are intended to take the place of nail glue. They keep your nail tips firmly in place so that they can be worn all day. Press-on nails are mainly used for these adhesive tabs, but they can also be applied using nail glue. Press-on nails are simple to use, easy to reuse, and longer-lasting.
You have the flexibility to change the look and style of your nails whenever you want by using adhesive tabs. Double-sided adhesive nail sheets are always available. An average set of tabs typically contain at least 12 adhesive sticks. Usually, a set of adhesive tabs include 10 tabs, one for each nail.
How to apply
Adhesive nail tabs are very easy to use. They are produced on a film-like, clear plastic sheet with adhesive tabs stuck to them. Simply prepare your nail bed, choose your nail size, remove the nail tab’s protective backing, and stick it to your nail. After applying the adhesive tab to your nail, you want to apply your artificial nail to your finger. Press your nail down on your finger after you’ve applied the nail tabs. This is done to make sure it adheres to your nail bed. You can also combine a liquid glue with your tab if you want to keep your nails on for a longer period of time.
Applying a small amount of nail glue to the nail bed and smoothing it out with a cuticle stick will help prevent damage to your nails. However, make sure that the glue does not cover the entire nail, as that would defeat the purpose of using the adhesive tabs. Apply a tiny dot of liquid glue, and then place your sticky tab over the top of your nail bed, making sure it is well coated. Ensure the tab is properly adhered to your nail by pressing it on.
Add a further dot or two of liquid glue to the adhesive tab covering your fingernail after you’ve finished the previous step. You can press down on the nail bed with your nail to make it stick. You’ll be able to keep your nails on longer using this technique. Put a dot of liquid glue on the inside of your artificial nail if you want to add another layer of security.
How to protect your natural nails
For nail protection, place an adhesive tab inside your artificial nail. Proceed as before by applying your protected artificial nail to the nail bed. Stick it in place after covering the adhesive tab on your nail bed with nail glue. This will provide a layer of protection for your nail bed and your artificial nail. This method will be very beneficial if you intend to reuse your press-on nails. You can simply remove the nail tab that was covered with glue and apply another one.
How long do they last?
Determine how frequently you intend to wear your nails before selecting an adhesive. If you intend to reuse your nails repeatedly, you may want to purchase an adhesive package with at least 24 to 36 sticky tabs. You can anticipate that your press-on nails will last for about a week. The typical wear time for these stickers is three to five days. Adhesive nail tabs are effective and long-lasting, but you should plan to reapply your sticky tabs. It will all depend on several factors. These may include any of the following:
Type of nail tab sticker you use
Sticker application
Damage from daily activities
Pros and Cons Of Adhesive Tabs
The advantages of using adhesive tabs include a few things. Adhesive tabs give you the freedom to change your look as often as possible. You can carry these tabs in your purse; they are very lightweight and convenient. They fit in many different spots in your purse, your wallet, and your glove box, so you can carry them around as often as you need them. An adhesive nail sheet can also be carried inside your jeans pocket. If one of your nails falls off, you can simply grab the sheet, peel off the glue sticker, and reapply your nail.
Nail tabs are not messy. They don’t carry an odor, as some nail glues typically do. Also, if you apply your nails in a crooked or asymmetrical fashion, you can simply pop them off. Reapply the nail to straighten them out. If you want to create multiple looks for events on the same day, adhesive tabs will be your best bet. You can start the day with one set; perhaps you have to wear plain, solid, or nude-colored nails to work. You can simply apply a French tip to your nails for work at 9:00 a.m. and take them off at 5:00 p.m. when you leave work.
Then you can apply fancier nails that you may want to wear for a date night. Later that night, you can pull your nails off. Put those nails to the side and reapply your French tips. This is all done with little to no damage to your nail bed or your press-on nails. If you lose a nail during the course of events, you can simply grab another nail. Apply the adhesive tab and pop it back on for a complete set.
You don’t have to worry about your nails breaking off and damaging them. If your nail happens to have any type of damage, it will probably be in the form of a missing nail. Your nail may have fallen off without a broken or cracked nail, still attached to your nail bed.
One disadvantage of using nail adhesive tabs that many people have is that they come with a short wear time. While they are very adhesive and can be glued down to the nail bed, they typically come off fairly easily. If you intend to be doing strenuous work or using your hands very often, using adhesive tabs, may not be in your best interest.
If you do any of these things, you can simply pop your nails off before you begin. Pop them back on when you finish doing your chores. This may be a bothersome task for those who don’t want to keep taking their nails off and reapplying. This method can be a solution to broken, chipped, cracked, or missing nails, and fading paint.
Nail glue uses
Nail glue is typically used to for acrylic nails or artificial nail extensions. They typically come in small tubes with a nozzle that you have to puncture in order for the liquid to flow. Some other nail glues come in a small bottle with a brush that you can brush on your nail to adhere it to the nail bed. Nail glue is typically a liquid form of product that creates a super strong hold as it dries.
How to apply
Applying nail adhesive involves a few easy procedures. Before applying, make sure your nail bed is tidy and dry. To give their nails more wear time, some people utilize primers or nail dehydrators. After cleaning your nails, apply a little amount of glue to the nail bed. Then, press your nail firmly against the adhesive for 5 to 10 seconds, or until it sticks.
If you’re using a liquid nail glue that has a brush, brush the glue onto your entire nail bed. Wait about a few seconds to let it dry. Apply your press-on nail to your nail bed and hold it until it sticks. And that’s just about it. Now you have a fresh set of nails that should be super strong and long-lasting.
How long do they last?
The length of wear you will get out of your nail glue depends on the brand of glue that you use. Also, the type of glue you use, and the technique you use to apply your nails. With a proper application, your nails can last anywhere from 7 to 14 days with minimal wear and tear.
Adhesive tabs vs Nail glue, pros & cons
There are many advantages to using nail glue. The main advantage of using nail glue is the amount of wear time you get from this product. People like to use nail glue because it actually keeps the nails attached to their fingers without falling off. They feel more secure when using nail glue as opposed to a nail tab. This is mainly because people typically have very active lives. No one wants to start their day off with the fresh set of nails, and be missing a nail within the hour. That could be causing a problem for people that want to wear press-on nails as a style or fashion trend.
While some people may never let their nail glue go, there are a few disadvantages that come along with it’s use. First, let’s start with the length of time you can use your nail glue. You must finish the entire bottle of nail glue once you’ve opened it. Otherwise, any remaining substance inside the container could solidify and become useless.
Hence, you might have recently bought some nail glue, used it a couple of times, then put it in the back of your closet or storage chest and forgotten about it. A few months down the road, when we decide you want to put your nails back on, you find that the adhesive we believed you had used isn’t as strong as you had anticipated.
Sometimes you can forget to screw the cap back on your glue, which could cause it to leak out and possibly make a mess. If there are items in the same area as your glue, everything will get glued to it and it will be effectively destroyed. Also, a lot of people don’t like the scent of nail adhesive because it has an overpowering chemical stench. Once you’ve used nail adhesive, it’s impossible to adjust the angle or direction of your nails.
Imagine that after applying glue and sticking your nails to the nail bed, you eventually extend your hand and discover that one of your nails may be slightly tilted to the left or the right. Your nail has already adhered to your nail bed, making it difficult to straighten them out. You can remove your nail by prying it off, but doing so could harm your nail bed. Your nail may also break, chip, split, or have its design altered, which could also harm your nails.
This can be very upsetting if you put alot of effort into designing a nail with an extremely intricate pattern. All it takes is one small error to ruin it. If this happens, you may not have enough time to design a new nail. You may have to scrap the original one and start over with the new nail and design.
Nail glue can also cause a white chalky stain on your nails, fingertips, and cuticle area if it begins to run. Sometimes this can be an easy fix. You may have to put in a little bit of elbow grease to scrub the hardening stain from your fingertips. This can sometimes be painful, cause rashes or abrasions on your fingertips.
There are many pros and cons to using adhesive tabs and nail glues. Like anything, you have to choose the best method for you and what your intended design and goal will be. If you’re looking for something that’s quick fast and easy I would suggest using a nail tab. If you are wanting to give your children the experience of artificial nails I would suggest using adhesive tabs. If you want something more long-term stable strong and durable I would suggest using nail glue with the proper technique to avoid any damage to your nail bed.
People who typically wear artificial nails on a regular basis don’t mind any damages to their nails because they will be applying a new set of acrylic press on or gel to their nails. At the end of the day make sure that the products that you choose provide you with a “fullfilling”. (See what I did there?)
Redecor App| Create Top Tier Interior Designs
20 Feb, 2023
The Redecor app is an interior design application that allows you to express your creativity and compete with other players to see who can create the most beautiful and stylish designs. It is the perfect way to relax and de-stress after a long day. It’s also a great way to learn about different interior design styles and trends. And if you’re feeling competitive, you can always try your hand at one of the many design challenges or tournaments.
The Redecor App Features
The app features a wide variety of rooms and furniture styles to choose from, so you can create any look you want, from classic and traditional to modern and eclectic. To start designing, simply choose a room type and then select the furniture and accessories you want to use. You can also choose a color palette and adjust the lighting to create your desired mood. Once you’re finished with your design, submit it to the Redecor community for voting.
Other players will be able to see your design and vote on it. Redecor also has a number of different challenges and events that you can participate in. These challenges give you the chance to win new furniture and accessories, as well as in-game currency. You can also use in-game currency to purchase new items from the Redecor store. Designs with the most votes will win coins and prizes. You can use your winnings to unlock new furniture and accessories or to enter new design challenges. With Redecor, you can:
Choose from a wide range of furniture, materials, and accessories to create the perfect look
Compete in daily design challenges against other players
Participate in weekly and seasonal tournaments to win exclusive prizes
Vote on other players’ designs and get feedback on your own
Join a community of interior design enthusiasts from all over the world
Redecor is a great way to learn about interior design and to get inspired by other people’s creativity. It’s also a fun and competitive way to challenge yourself to create the best possible designs. If you’re passionate about interior design, Redecor is the app for you. This award-winning game lets you explore your creativity and decorate stunning rooms in a variety of styles. Some of the things that make Redecor such a popular app include:
Realistic 3D graphics: Redecor’s 3D graphics are incredibly realistic, which makes it easy to see how your designs will look in real life.
Wide variety of rooms and furniture styles: Redecor features a wide variety of rooms and furniture styles to choose from, so you can create any look you want.
Easy to use: Redecor is easy to use, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
Fun and competitive: Redecor is a fun and competitive way to challenge yourself to create the best possible designs.
It’s a mobile game that lets you live your dream life as a decorator. The application is available for free on both iOS and Android devices. With Redecor, you can design and decorate a variety of different spaces, from living rooms and kitchens to bedrooms and bathrooms. You’ll have access to a wide range of furniture, materials, and accessories to choose from, so you can create the perfect look for each space.
One of the best things about Redecor is that it’s effortless to play. Simply choose a space to decorate and then start adding furniture and accessories. You can also change the wall colors, flooring, and lighting. Once you’re happy with your design, submit it for voting by other players.
Whether you’re a professional interior designer or someone who loves decorating, Redecor is a great game for you. It’s a fun and relaxing way to express your creativity and see how your designs compare to those of other players.
Wide range of design options: Redecor gives you access to a huge range of furniture, materials, and accessories, so you can create the perfect look for any space.
Easy to play: Redecor is incredibly easy to play, even if you have no prior experience with interior design.
Challenging and rewarding: Redecor offers a variety of different challenges and events that you can participate in to win new items and in-game currency.
Social features: Redecor lets you share your designs with other players and vote on their designs.
If you’re looking for a fun and challenging interior design game, then Redecor is the perfect choice for you. Download the app today and start designing your dream home!
Redecor Starter Tips
Browse the gallery: The gallery is a great place to get inspiration for your designs. You can browse through designs created by other players and see what they’re doing well.
Don’t be afraid to experiment: There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to interior design. So don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors, materials, and styles.
Pay attention to the details: The little things can make a big difference in your designs. So take the time to choose the right accessories and artwork.
Get feedback from other players: Once you’re happy with your design, submit it for voting by other players. Their feedback can help you improve your designs over time.
Start with simple designs: Don’t try to create a masterpiece right away. Start with simple designs and experiment with different furniture styles and color palettes.
Look at other designs for inspiration: The Redecor community is full of talented designers. Take some time to browse through other designs for inspiration.
Don’t be afraid to experiment: Redecor is all about expressing your creativity. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different furniture styles, color palettes, and lighting.
Have fun! Redecor is a game, so have fun with it and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Why Some People Fail To Make Money Online
18 Feb, 2023
It can be very easy for people to lose sight of their goals when trying to make money online. They may even get sidetracked by many other distractions in their lives. We have all these big plans we intend to complete. We start, we stop, we take a break, we start, we stop, we, move forward and sometimes even stop again. This is normal for people in their everyday lives. It might sound like procrastination or laziness. It could also be the sound of being lost and confused, but that may not be the case.
When you start a new business there can be a lot of things that you need to take care of. These are all things that need to be completed before you make money online. Most people are doing these things independently. This is especially true for those who are aspiring to make money online. You may have to create your own website by yourself. If you’re creating your website from scratch there might be things that you are unaware of or things that you just don’t know. You have to do additional research before you can even get your website up and running.
You have to look for website hosting, pick a domain name, and choose which word processing type you intend to use to write your text. You might also have to find marketing strategies. You might need to hire someone to help you write your posts. Perhaps you need someone to create your images. Maybe you want a specific page logo, or even produce a whole landing page for you to get started. These types of things typically take a lot of time that you might not have doing it all by yourself.
If you don’t have the time to do these things, you may need to spend money to get these things done. This will all be a big help to you. You might not have the funds to hire someone to do these things for you and you also may not have the time to get these things done. This can put a lot of obstacles in your way of getting your tax completed and reaching the goals that you set for yourself. Identifying the speed bumps to success before they knock us down, can help us avoid losing momentum when attempting to make money online.
There are many things that can stop us from being successful and making money online. The first thing that can stop you from making money online will be not knowing what to do. When learning a new skill not knowing what to do shouldn’t stop you from trying. Most times when people don’t know what to do the first thing to do is to take action. If you need to do research to increase your confidence and knowledge to move forward with your idea, that should be the first step. Choose your goal, then research your goal and finish by taking action to reach your goals.
While doing your research make sure that you don’t get caught up in the learning stage. What I mean by this is that you don’t want to spend most of your time learning and not putting your learning into action. Let’s say that you want to start a blog about haircare. The first website blog that I started was about haircare initially. I went to school for cosmetology, but I never actually became a hairstylist. I could say that my goals turned into a learning phase.
A learning phase that I could say I never got out of. Why would I say that? It’s because I never actually became a hairstylist or cosmetologist. Although, I do style other people’s hair from time to time. I do my own hair, family, and friends, and that’s pretty much it. When I started my first website my main goal wasn’t to actually make money online. It was to see if I would be able to build my own website from the ground up. And then make money online by helping others learn about their hair and styling.
Now instead of letting a lack of being a cosmetologist stop me, I created a blog that was more informative than actually taking action in the field. In the meantime, I took action to teach others what I learned, as well as continuing my education while taking action if that makes any sense. If you need to continue your education to get to where you’re going, that’s the first step to attaining the goals that you have set forth. The main goal you should ultimately have is to make money online. Be sure to take action and not get stagnant.
Being afraid to fail is another thing that stops people subconsciously from attaining their goals. If being afraid of failure is a fear that you have, more likely than not that fear will keep you from obtaining your goals. Subconsciously being afraid of failure causes you not to try. That particular method causes you to become a failure, essentially by failing to try. There’s a quote that states:
“People are motivated more by the fear of loss than the reward of gain. “
“Human behavior is more strongly driven by the motivation to avoid losses than to pursue gains (loss aversion).”
This is basically a sign of weakness and procrastination. You know how the other saying goes “It takes money to make money”. That is what’s described in the previous quotes. Nothing comes easy and that’s something that we all know.
Making money online is not an easy task. Many business people take plenty of losses when starting up their businesses or companies. They may not have lost money, but they may have lost time. Let’s say I spent numerous amount of hours working on a project that I never completed. I basically just spent a lot of time working on something but it never got done. That was the loss that I took, which came from me wasting my time.
That’s just like a person paying for something they never intend to use. Which would be a loss of money that they can’t get back. So their fear of loss wasn’t an issue because they were looking forward to the reward which would have been a gain. It just so happens, they never received the reward because they weren’t motivated enough to go for it. Some people may have a fear of working a job for the rest of their lives that they hate.
Their fear of not being financially stable keeps them in a job that they don’t like. They have a fear of taking action to find a fulfilling job that will provide them with the finances they need for sustainable living. They have a fear of change. Another way to define this type of fear is the fear of losing a secure job that you hate. I would say that is very ironic.
They have a fear of failure. The failure that they fear is that they won’t be able to find a job that’s fulfilling and sustainable. When people don’t see results they initially want to quit. They don’t feel like a continuation will be worth the effort because they don’t see any results. They feel like they’re wasting their time and money, struggling to obtain something that may be possibly out of their reach. One thing about making money online is that it all takes time. When you first start up, no one really knows what you are doing.
No one knows what your goals are, what you want to gain, and where you’re going with your work. You have to be the one to do the work. You have to promote yourself, talk about your business, and invite people to be a part of it. Everything takes time and the momentum can be slow building but you have to remain consistent with your work, to see your work, work for you. All these things take time to develop and it takes time to reach and to search engines.
Just think about how long a website has been sitting on the internet taking up space. We never go to these websites but perhaps they still exist. And having an existing website will give you the best potential to make money online.
That’s the same for you starting up your business. We may never go to your page or your website but it still exists. What will be better to never make any money but exist, or to make money but nobody cares about what you are presenting to us? Be sure to write your goals down and the steps you plan to take to stay on to the course. Remind yourself why you are starting this business or service. The accumulation of your smaller efforts over time is what really pays off big time.
Self-doubt is another way to hinder you from making money online. It can be one of your worst enemies. Initially, you feel like you have a great idea and you are super excited about it. After you let others know what your idea is and talk about it, they convince you that it’s not that great of an idea. You start to think maybe they’re right it’s not that great of an idea and you never get started. This is the wrong way to go about these types of things.
Why is this the wrong way to go about things? It’s because people will use your ideas. So you just told your friend that you wanted to create this new type of food. They said your idea is disgusting and no one will want to eat that. Why would you waste your money trying to sell people food that no one will eat? You thought “you know what? you might be right. I mean it does sound different.” So you never get started to complete the task that you had initially thought was such a great idea.
You never put in any action, you never created a product, you never marketed your idea, and never had anyone purchase it. Do you still own your idea? Yes, you do but no you don’t. Why don’t you own your idea? It’s because your friend that you discussed your idea with actually took your idea. They created a product, marketed the product, sold your product, and created a lucrative business for themselves. The idea that you never put into action because they told you that it wasn’t worth it and you believe them.
Why would I want to buy your products if you don’t even believe in your products? Now does that make any sense to you? It didn’t for you but it did for them. Competition can be another reason why you don’t make money online. You see someone else doing something similar and it seems like it’s better than what you have. There will always be fancier websites, people more knowledgeable more skilled, and with more money than you.
You don’t need amazing layouts and fancy images to make money online. A lot of basic-looking sites outperform flashy competitors. You shouldn’t fear competition. It’s a good signal that there is money to be made in the world of the wide web.
Do I Need A Heat Protectant Leave-In Conditioner?
18 Feb, 2023
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What is a leave-in conditioner?
Answer to “Can I use both a leave-in conditioner and heat protectant to blow-dry my natural hair?” Or should I buy a leave-in conditioner with heat-protectant properties? “
Before styling, a leave-in conditioner is a type of hair conditioner that is applied to freshly washed hair. If you leave the conditioner in your hair, it becomes conditioned, soft, and ready for styling. As contrasted to a typical conditioner that needs to be washed off, leave-in conditioners remain on your hair for longer periods of time. It’s not necessary to leave conditioners on; however, doing so can serve as a substitute for actual conditioners.
Because it is not required, this method is rarely used. If you have thicker hair you might want to use more product. This is so that you can apply the conditioner to your entire head. You might want to apply less if your hair is thinner. Too much product might make your hair greasy or oily, This could potentially prolong the time it takes to wash it. If necessary, you can use a leave-in conditioner every day. If your hair is getting excessively oily or limp, you might want to reduce how often you use it.
This leave-in conditioner keeps your hair and scalp hydrated, strengthened, and healthy. It provides you with the best possible growth potential, addressing breakage, damage, and split ends.
Quinoa Protein shields the hair shaft from heat stress that can cause breakage. Biotin promotes healthy hair growth; and the blend helps maintain length for gorgeous, long, lustrous hair.
Increasing moisture and avoiding damage are two primary advantages of using conditioners for general hair health. Bleached or colored hair retains color and shines when the conditioner is left in, and frizzy hair is shielded from heat damage. Leave-in conditioners are often lower in weight and designed for styling rather than cleansing. This is in comparison to standard conditioners used at the salon sink or in the shower. Your hair can be made more robust and bouncy by using a lightweight product without becoming heavy or seeming rigid.
They make it simple to keep your desired hairstyle while detangling your hair. In order to prevent dryness in general, you should avoid products that can contain any form of alcohol and dyes. This is the proper protocol when selecting the correct leave-in conditioner. Finding the correct products might be challenging for most. This is mainly because many hair products commonly contain the majority of these ingredients. These products may also include different oil types, botanical extracts, and vitamins. Ingredients like silicones and glycerin assist to protect and coat the hair without adding any weight.
Product Selection
Consider your hair type and texture when looking for the best product for your locks. Do you typically have hair that is curlier on the side? Is your hair thicker than most? Is it fine and thin? Has it been color-treated? These are all things to take into account when deciding what kind of leave-in products you will be using.
Perhaps you enjoy using a specific shampoo and conditioner from a particular brand. You go out and get a complete product set from a particular brand. Items such as a hair oil, curl definer, and possibly an edge control. You noticed that the edge control may not be entirely laying your edges down. You may also observe that your edges only stay smooth for an hour or two. This can imply that in order to get the required results, you might need to buy an edge control from a different manufacturer.
Let’s say you start using the oil and you notice that your scalp may be a little bit itchier than usual. You might want to keep using the product to determine whether the itchiness is caused by stimulation of the scalp or whether it is accompanied by a lot of dandruff. You might want to seek a different oil for your hair If your hair becomes excessively greasy using this product you may not need to use another product you might need to use less of the product. When using any type of product you should make sure that you pay attention to what your hair is telling you and make adjustments as necessary.
A heat protector is essential if you use heating tools to style your hair. This can include a blow dryer, flat iron, straightening comb, or curling wand. You might want to look for a leave-in conditioner that also offers heat protection. A heat-protectant leave-in conditioner will provide you with added moisture. Keeping your hair hydrated will keep it from drying out. It will also possibly provide an oil or serum that will add shine to your finished style. If you use a blow dryer, it may also add a coating to your hair, adding thickness to your hair strands. This method prevents breakage and burning.
Look for a leave-in conditioner made to protect your color if you have colored hair. Including semi-permanent tint, bleaching, permanent hair color, or highlighting. These leave-in conditioners add shine while protecting your hair from color bleeding, dulling, and fading. It may also contain a slight heat protectant inside the product to protect your hair from damage. This is due to bleaching agents and hair coloring weakening your hair strands. These agents can cause breakage, while the leave-in conditioner covers the hair strengthening it.
If you have fine hair, use a lighter-weight leave-in conditioner or one that adds volume to your hair. So this will be a voluminous hair care leave-in conditioner. Oftentimes a leave-in conditioner that adds volume is lightweight and won’t weigh your hair down.
If your hair was curly, use and leave a conditioner that contains multiple oils. These type of conditioners for curly hair are typically found in a jar form and not necessarily a bottle form. These leave-in conditioners are more of a custard form or jelly. They are typically thicker or heavier than a leave-in conditioner that you purchase in a bottle. Leave-in conditioners for curly hair is typically a larger quantity of product. This is because you may use more of the product due to thickness, hair type and texture.
How To Remove Your Eye Makeup And Mascara
18 Feb, 2023
There is always such a fulfilling feeling we get when we have a successful and flawless makeup application. Wearing the look all day can give you a heightened sense of self, but after the day comes to a close, eventually your makeup has to come off. You should always remove your eye makeup before going to bed. Some people can’t seem to do away with their makeup after the day ends, and they go to sleep wearing it.
Other people cleanse in the morning and reapply their makeup right after. Whatever the reason for sleeping in your makeup is, you should avoid going to sleep wearing your makeup. Makeup removal should be a very important part of your daily skin-care regimen. Removing your makeup before going to bed is important to keep your skin clean and healthy-looking. It also allows you to let your skin “breathe” while you sleep. It prevents your mascara from smudging and protects the foundation from creating stains on your pillowcases and sheets.
The skin delicate skin around your eyes is 7x’s thinner than the skin on the rest of your face. It should be cleansed gently with the use of a makeup remover designed to care for your eye area.
Your eye makeup should be removed first. If you are wearing eyelashes you should take these off before cleansing. Many people reuse their eyelashes so doing this would give you the chance to save them without rubbing the hairs off the lash line when removing your eye makeup. Remove your eye makeup using a suitable eye makeup remover. Be sure to use a product that is intended to be used as a makeup removal solution.
Clean around the entire eyelids removing all traces of any eye shadow or eyeliner. Choose an eye makeup remover that best suits your overall skin type. I use makeup remover wipes or a makeup remover towel to remove my lip and eye makeup. I have tested a few different types and brands but I love the bolero cleanse and nourish facial wipes with witch hazel and green tea. I use the Skip The spa lavender makeup removing towelettes, or Yardley disposable washcloths enriched with Aloe Vera, Chamomile, and Vitamin E. On the days when I am not wearing any lipstick or heavy makeup, I will use Stridex acne pads to remove my makeup.
If you are prone to oiliness choose an oil-free makeup remover. If you have sensitive skin look for a makeup remover made for sensitive skin types. You don’t have to spend a lot to get a good product. Many drugstore brands make very good makeup removers. Before your nightly cleansing routine, you should cleanse your eye area first. Make sure to clean your eyelashes to remove any eyelash glue or mascara.
Moisten your eye area slightly to wet your mascara. This will cause the makeup remover to soak into the mascara more thoroughly. Starting with your eyelids, start at the top with very light pressure and wipe from top to bottom and around the inner and outer corners of your eyelids. This should leave a small amount of remover on lid. Moisten a cotton ball or cotton pad with water following the same motion to remove excess makeup remover. Repeat if necessary with a new cotton pad if any product remains.
Nano Towels Makeup Remover
The NanoTowels Makeup Remover is a simple yet revolutionary piece of fabric that can wipe away your ENTIRE makeup with ONLY water. It’s chemical-free, hypoallergenic, reusable, and durable. It’s also very cost-efficient and effective.
To remove mascara add a small amount of makeup remover to the q-tip. Close your eye and roll the q-tip over your lash line lash in a downward motion to apply remover. After most of the mascara has been removed use another q-tip and roll the q-tip over your lashline in a left-to-right motion. You can then follow up with another q-tip moistened with water or a cotton ball. I would suggest using a cotton ball for this step since it will cover a larger area of your lid and make the process quicker.
Wet your face thoroughly with water and apply the remover to your washcloth, cotton pad, or makeup wipe and gently wipe over your eyes. Remove any traces of brow gels, tints, or eyebrow pencils by cleaning under your brow line. I will be the first to admit that I don’t always remove my eyebrow makeup. It’s the only thing I will leave on my face when I’m removing my makeup.
I typically don’t wear heavy or dramatic brows, so I feel it’s okay for me to keep them. And they don’t tend to cause significant amounts of stains on my bed linens. A Q-tip can be used to remove any traces of makeup you may have missed in some of your crease areas.
Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply your facial cleanser to your washcloth or directly onto your face and neck. Massage in a circular motion until your entire face and neck areas are covered in a nice, foamy lather. Make sure to avoid the eye area because this can cause itching, redness, and burning. If you do so happen to get cleanser into your eyes keep your eyes closed tightly and proceed to remove the remaining soap from your face.
After cleaning apply a clean cloth or splash water on your face and rub the water around your eyelid. Wipe your eye with a dry cloth and try to open your eyes. If it still burns repeat the same steps and finish by laying the wet cloth over your eye and holding it for a few seconds. Be sure to use cool or cold water to flush the cleanser from your eyes. Apply a facial toner and a light layer of facial moisturizer to your face and neck after cleansing.
The Best Types Of Mascara For Longer Lashes
18 Feb, 2023
Do you ever go to the pharmacy or department store expecting to quickly buy mascara, and then end up being confused when you get there? Words like “waterproof,” “lengthening,” and “thickening” jump out at you and you’re just not sure which one to get. There are different types, and each one is going to give your lashes a different look. Below are some of the mascara types, and the best types to use each one.
The best to use if you have short lashes that could use some length is one that has a lengthening effect. This product aims to lengthen lashes while also assisting in their separation. Small fibers are added to the ends of your lashes by this to make it work. This creates the appearance of slightly longer eyelashes. Avoid going overboard because it can cause clumping. The fibers, which are typically made of nylon or rayon, aid in lengthening and separating the eyelashes. It will fill in the gaps if your eyelashes are short or thin. It is best to apply two or more coats in order to get the best results.
This is also known as volumizing mascara, will give your lashes a little more drama by making them thicker, darker, and fuller. For a night out or whenever you want to draw attention to your eyes, a black, thickening tube is perfect. This product would be appropriate for you if all you want is to give your lashes more volume and they are already fairly long. Just be mindful not to apply too much, as this can cause clumpy “spider lashes”. Two coats on the top and one on the bottom should be sufficient. Before using an eyelash curler, wait two minutes and check to see if the desired look has been achieved.
Lash Defining
This kind of mascara gives your lashes the full treatment by lengthening, coloring, and enhancing their fullness. This product is very thick and gives lashes a dramatic appearance. After using the eyelash curler, apply two coats of lash-defining mascara on the top lashes and one coat on the bottom. Because of their thickness, the majority of them are waterproof, so if you intend to wear makeup all day, use this. When you’re wearing no or minimal makeup, lash-defining mascara will draw all attention to your eyes. Also, this mascara is prone to clumping, so use caution when applying.
Almost all types of lashes respond well to curling mascara. It gives you an awakening appearance that makes you appear more alert and vivacious. Additionally, curling mascara helps to open your eyes and elongates the lashes, making them appear longer. You can use this on its own and then use an eyelash curler to complete the look, or you can use your regular mascara first and then add the curling mascara as a finishing touch.