What is a Flavor Swap?
A flavor swap is basically a remix of an original potato chip to briefly explain this phenomenon. This applies in the potato chip world. This may also apply to other aspects of food and drinks etc. Now, on to the main reason for this post.
So like yeah, I was definitely in the grocery store one evening doing WAY too much. I originally only went shopping to get a few items. I’m not sure what I was looking for. So I’m in the store and walking around. I walk down the potato chip aisle and BOOM. This big foreign familiar bag of goodness captures my eyesight. Lays Doritos Cool Ranch flavored chips. At first, I couldn’t believe it. The second thought running through my mind is “Hmmmm. Let’s try it!”
I pick the bag up and drop it in my shopping cart. I finish shopping and head to the checkout area. Once there I glance at my bag one more time before placing it in my shopping bag and heading home.

Doritos Cool Ranch Lays:
I open the bag of Doritos flavored Lays and pop one chip into my mouth. The first bite was yummy as always. I couldn’t taste the Cool Ranch flavor it tasted more like sour cream and onion potato chip. So I decided to eat another then another then another.
Then BOOM a burst of Doritos creamy cool ranch flavor melted on my tongue. While I love the original Doritos, I will say that I appreciate the lays chip because it gives me the taste without the tortilla. This method allows you to savor the flavor. It remains on your taste buds for a longer period and adds to the goodness of the chip.

Cheetos Cheese Flavored Lays:
The second bag of Limited Time Flavor that I tried was the Cheetos flavored chips. Now, in this bag, I could taste the cheesiness from the first bite. That should be typical for most cheese or cheddar-flavored potato chips. This was also an indulgent moment as it was with the Dorito bag.
I ate a handful of these chips and I must say they were fairly good. I was waiting for the cheddar dust to stick to my fingers so I could have the full Cheetos puff effect. It tasted EXACTLY the same as if I was eating a Cheetos puff and not a Lays potato chip. I was impressed and couldn’t wait to go back for more but I didn’t. I had pretty much eaten two bags of chips in one sitting!

Both these chips are very flavorful but I do wish they would add EXTRA flavor to the “Remixed” chips. Like a total BOOM from the first bite. All in all, I would buy them again if they were a regular selection of potato chips. There are two other flavors that I have not tried yet. (Have to hunt these down)
The next bag of potato chips I would like to try would be the Funyun flavor if I can find them in the stores. My guess is either no one liked them so I can’t find them, or everyone LOVED them and they are sold OUT. I’m pretty sure I would enjoy these because I like the funyun flavor.
There is also a Frito Chilli and cheese bag of chips that I may or may not purchase. This would be an acquired test and something that I would have to be in the mood for. I like tortillas but am not sold on the “Fritos” chili cheese per se. I would have preferred to taste a Fritos Honey BBQ limited edition flavor but that may be somewhere in the near future hopefully.