1. Know what you need
Always shop with a list. Having any form of list consiting of things to buy is very important. You can use a physical list or phone app or memorize the items you need. (I prefer a physical list to avoid impulse buys) This will help you avoid being overwhelmed once in the store and keep you from forgetting items.

2. Be sure about it
Only buy items you know you will need.It is fairly typical that people buy numerous items thy think they will use but never do. Before making the purchase, ask yourself “Do I love this?” “Do I need this?” “Will I use this?” If you are unsure about the answer to these questions, place the item right back where you found it. Impulse buys are a great way to lose money eventhough you are adding goods to your stockpile.

3. Dress for action
When choosing your daily attire, only wear clothes that are easy to get into and out of. Shoes that slip on and off are great too. Dress for the occasion and be mindful of the activities you will be performing in these clothes. You always look and feel better when your clothes fit properly and your feet don’t hurt!

4. Buy classics
Don’t feel guilty about spending a little extra money on classic pieces. These items include wool, leather, pumps, or a designer handbag. In these cases, quality would be better than quantity. Spend less money on items that are trendy or will be here one day and out of style the next.

5. Prioritize the costs
Smart shopping consists of thinking abut the item prices before making purchaces. Ask yourself “Is the amount of money for that item way too expensive? Or is it within reason?” Calculate the cost per wear first and then factor in how many times you would wear or use the item in question. You can do the sam thing with any type of goods and services. If you are buying a type of service think about the service price first. After you do that think about how often you will use the service.

6. Avoid the crowds
If you need to get in and out and are pressed for time, be sure to avoid peak hours. This will give you time to shop without having to rush around a packed store or wait in long lines during checkout. This will also be a great option if you are trying on clothes or buying new makeup items. The salespeople may be friendlier and more willing to assist you.

7. Mix and match
The style today is more about mixing and matching than the outfit you wear. Instead of buying one complete outfit buy that top or that bottom. When shopping ask yourself “What can I wear this with?” “Do I already have something to go with this?” Try buying pieces that will work together with your current wardrobe.

8. Know yourself
Be honest about what styles flatter your body type and are appropriate for your age. ALWAYS shop for the size you are now. (Pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy weight changes)

9. Feel Chippier
Don’t shop when you are hungry or really tired. Don’t shop when you are in a rush either! This is more likely the time when you make plenty of impulse buys, forget to pick up an item or miss a great sale.

10. Go with the neutrals
When you are buying expensive or pricey items be sure to stick with the neutrals. That gives you plenty of room to recycle those pieces and incorporate them in with other items as you rewind or add to your current wardrobe.
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