Hosting a Halloween party is a great way to celebrate the holidays. Doing this will allow you to be more social, creative, and festive. This will give you a better way to showcase. all those creative juices you may or may not have.
If you don’t want to go trick o treating this year but want to wear a costume have a Halloween party! If you want to decorate your living spaces but no one ever visits, have a party! Want to see what other people decided to wear as costumes this holiday but don’t want to leave your home? Have a party! Do you have an overgrown collection of sweets and treats that no longer satisfy your sweet tooth? Have a party.
Having or hosting a Halloween party can be challenging for some. This may especially be true if you don’t know where to begin. Here is a simple list of things you may or may not need to make your party a success, Many of these things are minuscule and probably won’t break the bank.

Halloween Party Invitations
- Handmade
- Store-bought
- SMS Messages
- Flyers
- Purchase
- DIY Costumes
- Facepaints & PJs
- Balloons
- Candles
- Candy bowls
- Inflatable Decor
- Napkins and utensils
- Pumpkins
- Tablecloths
- All Movies
- Ghost movies
- Haunted House movies
- Monster movies
- Thrillers

- Airheads
- Candy Corn
- Candy eyeballs
- Cry Babies
- Dots
- Dum Dum pops
- Fun Dip
- Hershey Kisses
- Hershey’s chocolate bars
- Jolly Ranchers
- Jelly beans
- Laffy Taffy
- Lollipops
- Marshmallow peeps
- M&M’s
- Milky Way
- Now&Laters
- Pixie Sticks
- Sixlets
- Skittles
- Sour Patches
- Tootsie Rolls
- Twizzlers
- Warheads
Snacks and Treats
- Cakes
- Cake pops
- Candy Apples
- Cookies
- Fruits
- Ice- Cream
- Popcorn
- Mummy Banana Pudding
- Rice Krispie Treats
- Spooky Gingerbread House

- Balloon Blow Relay
- Bean bag toss
- Bingo
- Bones guessing game
- Candy Corn Pinata Fetch
- Candy Corn Pumpkin toss
- Candy Corn Relay Race
- Charades
- Eyeball Egg Relay Race
- Guess the number
- Jumping Jenga
- Monster Freeze Dance
- Mummy Wrap
- Pictionary
- Pumpkin Patch Hunt
- Raffle
- Ringtoss
- Scavenger Hunt
- Skeleton Operation
- Spooky Musical Chairs
- Telephone Tales
- Trouble
- Witches Brew-canoes
- Word scramble
- Bag O Bones (Money)
- Candy bucket
- Gadgets
- Gift Cards
- Halloween Awards
- Halloween Costumes
- Halloween Ribbons
- Lottery Tickets
- Party Toys
- Pumpkins
- Pumpkin Carving kit

- Balloon backdrop
- DIY Cardboard frames
- Dressup Booth
- Mummy Streamer Wall
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