Halloween games can be a fun and exciting way to celebrate the Halloween season. Here is a fun activity that you can play with your friends and family using Halloween candy. The game is easy to play and does not require many tools. It’s a very popular Halloween game that can be mixed and matched to Halloween perfection!

Halloween Candy Corn Relay
What You Will Need: |
Candy Corn Candy |
2- 4 Candy Bowls |
Pumpkin Head Basket (Optional) |
Empty Carved & Cleaned Pumpkin (Optional) |
2 Scoopers or Spoons |
Starting & Finishing Line Tape (Optional) |
Stop Watch or Timer |
Note: The amount of candy corn, candy bowls, and scoopers needed for the game will vary. This will all depend on how many guests will be playing the game. For example, if only two children will be playing you will need either 2 bags of candy, 2 or 4 candy bowls, and 2 scoopers. If there are only two players playing and you want to use only 2 candy bowls let the players race one at a time.
If there will be more players you can use more bowls so they can race at the same time. If only using two bowls arrange the players into two teams. One player races to the filled bowl to get a scoop, races back to fill the empty bowl then hands the scooper to the next player. After their turn, they get behind the last player in the line until all the candy is transferred or the timer runs out.

Place one empty bowl near the starting line and the other filled bowl at the other end. The distance between the bowls may vary as well. Set a time limit for the race; I would say about 3 minutes. When setting your time limit be mindful of the distance between the empty and filled candy bowls.
Game Setup Instructions:
Begin the game by setting up the play area. You will need to have a wide open space for the children to race. Use an identifying object, landmark, or separation tape to designate the starting line as well as the finish line. Place the empty bowl(s) at the start and finish lines. Fill the bowl or bowl(s) at the finish line with the candy corn. (The candy choices may vary, but you want an item that comes in a large number) Line the players behind the starting line and give them a scooping tool.

How to play:
Set your timer or stopwatch for 3 minutes. Count down the start of the game. Once you get to the starting phase that is when the race will begin. Immediately after the first player takes off, start the timer. Allow the players to race back and forth until the bowls are filled or the timer runs out. If the timer runs out before the bowls are completely empty count the candies in each bowl.
Have the players stand by their bowls and count each bowl separately so you don’t mix them up. Having multi-colored bowls will be very helpful during this process. The person or team who has the highest number of candies in their bowl wins the game.
Note: If you are playing with smaller children and want to give out a prize an additional game can be played. If there are additional candies left in the filled bowls at the end, allow the losing team to guess how many candies are left.

Quick Tips:
- This game can be played in many different ways. All the items can be substituted if you want to play but don’t have the above items. You can use cardboard boxes, plastic bags, or styrofoam cups or plates instead of candy bowls.
- Instead of candy corn, you can use chocolate chips, marshmallows, or sixlets for the filled bowls.
- If you want to play indoors you can set up the bowls on opposite sides of a table and race from one end to the other but use a shorter time limit.
Candy Corn Toss
This game is a fun and challenging way to test kids’ aim and coordination. This game is very simple but fun. Set up two bowls or cups a few feet apart. Give each child a handful of candy corn. The children take turns trying to toss their candy corn into the bowls. The child with the most candy corn in the bowls at the end of the game wins.
Materials |
Corn Candies |
Plastic Cups |
Two Candy Corn Cones (Created with construction paper using white and yellow stripes) |
- Place the two candy corn cones at opposite ends of the room.
- Set up a row of plastic cups in front of each candy corn cone.
- Give each child a small handful of candy corn.
- Have the kids take turns tossing the candy corn into the plastic cups.
- The child with the most candy corn in their cups at the end of the game wins!
Corn Stacking
This game is a great way to test kids’ fine motor skills and patience. This game is a test of fine motor skills. Give each child a bowl of candy corn and a plate. Have them try to stack the candy corn on the plate as high as possible without knocking it over. The child with the tallest stack at the end of the game wins.
- Give each child a small handful of candies.
- Have the kids try to stack them as high as they can without knocking it over.
- The child with the tallest stack at the end of the game wins!
Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt game is a fun and active way to get kids searching for the hidden candies. It’s a great game to get kids moving around. Hide candy all over the house or yard and give the kids a list of candies to find. The child who finds the most candy corn wins.
Materials |
Candy Corn |
Clue List |
- Hide pieces of candy around the house or yard.
- Write clues to help the kids find the candy corn. The clues can be simple, such as “Look under the couch” or more challenging, such as “Follow the yellow brick road.”
- Give the kids the clues and have them start their scavenger hunt!
- The child who finds the most candy corn at the end of the game wins!
Guessing Game
This game is a fun and easy way to test kids’ knowledge of candy corn. Fill a clear jar with candy corn and ask the kids to guess how many pieces are inside. The child with the closest guess wins.
Materials |
A Jar Of Candies |
Paper |
Pencils or crayons |
- Show the kids the jar of candy corn and ask them to guess how many pieces are inside.
- Write down all of the guesses on a piece of paper.
- At the end of the game, count the pieces of candy corn in the jar and see who had the closest guess!
Matching game
This game is perfect for younger children. Cut out candy corn shapes from different colored construction paper. Mix up the shapes and place them face down on a table. Have the children take turns flipping over two shapes at a time. If the shapes match, the child keeps them. If the shapes don’t match, they flip them back over. The child with the most matching shapes at the end of the game wins.
These are just a few ideas for Halloween candy corn games for kids. Get creative and come up with your own variations!
Tips for playing candy corn games with kids
- Make sure to have plenty of candy on hand.
- If you are playing with younger children, use larger candy pieces to avoid choking hazards.
- If you are playing a game that requires stacking candy corn, provide the children with a flat surface to play on.
- If you are playing a game that requires throwing candy, make sure to have a safe area for the children to play.
- Most importantly, have fun!
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