Good evening. Here I am once again, for the hundredth time in the last three days. While we work on constructing this page, I sit here in agony. Not because creating a website is painful, but recreating a website with one hand equipped with nail tips isn’t exactly what I needed. I attempted to remove the nail from my pointer finger before typing this, but to no avail. It is quite secured to my nail bed in the same way I prepare to be present on this page.
Quick Update: Today is Sunday, March 19, 2023. I am sitting at my computer re-constructing my website for a better user experience. I have almost completed a proper page theme and web design. I currently have about 187 published posts on my site as of today. (That was a lot of work!) I also have grown my nails out EXTREMLEY long for the first time in forever. I am very pleased with their length. My nail growth came along with proper hair care, diet and nail care.

Constructing My Page Goals
Now, while this page will mainly be about hair, nails, and skin, it will also include an array of other topics. These will be things that I feel like I should speak my piece about. The pros and cons of artificial nails will be among the things I would like to discuss. This topic is one of the conditions I am currently experiencing.

So back to this nail before I go on to other topics for the night. Who was the culprit who applied the nails I am complaining about? That would be me. If you have not known me for long, you soon will. With that being said, I will give you a bit of insight into how we got here. Hurt nails, website building, and nail tech beginnings. Back in about 2010, I attended a cosmetology school located in Queens New York. (I will update you on the info at a later date and in a separate post!)
While I had no solid idea what I was doing there I knew as a kid I wanted to attend a cosmetology school. Yes, I graduated, passed my exams, and received my certificate and cosmetology license. Like many others, I never actually used it or renewed it but still perform minor services on myself and a few family and friends. I stay aware of tips and trends in the field and plan on sharing some of them here with you all.

I want to be a trusted resource for people who are looking for reliable information and advice on hair, skin, and nail care. On this website, you’ll find articles on a variety of topics, including:
- Hair care tips for all hair types
- Skin care routines for different skin concerns
- Nail care tips for strong and healthy nails
- Product reviews
- DIY beauty recipes
- And more
I’ll also be sharing my own personal hair, skin, and nail journey. I’m not a professional, but I’ve learned a lot over the years about what works for me and what doesn’t. I’m hoping that by sharing my experiences, I can help others on their own journey to beautiful and healthy hair, skin, and nails.
I’m still under development, but I’m constantly adding new content and features to the website. I’m also always open to feedback and suggestions. So if you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to share them with me!
Back to this whole nail thing. It won’t come off. Acetone will be one of the first topics I will discuss because it is HIGHLY relevant today. I could soak this nail off but I don’t have the time there is work that needs to be done! As I write this post the Lakers are playing the Utah Jazz following the Nets versus the Knicks. Congrats to the Nets for the win against the Knicks tonight. I should probably get ready for bed.
Long day ahead of me tomorrow and I need to draft my acetone post. Until next time, Stay Tuned. Thank you for visiting my website! I hope you find it helpful and informative.
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