1. Start A Money Saving Challenge:
There are many different ways to start saving money. You can start by making fewer purchases of things you don’t really need. I know this may be hard but it’s easy to do. You can begin saving money by creating a budget. When attempting to budget your funds, only buy things as a treat and avoid impulse buys. Impulse buying is making purchases on the fly. This is typically when you see something online or in the store and have to have it. You buy it and set it aside to basically collect dust. These are things we call wants and NOT needs.
2. Organize Your Social Media Platforms:
Take time out to browse your own social media platform. While doing this get rid of photos you don’t care for any longer. This can include duplicates, blurred photos, and those that make you cringe. If you still want to keep these pictures try downloading them and saving them to an SD card or flash drive. There are also several programs and sites that will allow you to store these photos online. Delete the posts you shared but may not find necessary. This can include photos that have broken links or are only visible in certain groups and pages. Many social media gurus typically do the same thing.

3. Sell Your Stuff:
Most people hate getting rid of their things. Selling them may be even harder to cope with. Placing your items for sale can be a great way for you to make some money while decreasing your clutter. There are plenty of websites and apps available that will assist you in getting rid of things you no longer need. This can be a great way to save money. It gives you the time to access the things you already have. Doing this can also allow you to possibly trade something old for something new. Some websites that are best known for “thrifting” are eBay, Mecari, Poshmark, and Etsy.
4. Rent Out Your Home:
With the cost of living rising, it is harder to find adequate housing. Many people are looking to rent your home or even a spare bedroom. Working people typically spend more time at work than they do at home. They may not have families or are looking to downsize the home they already have. Renting out your home or living quarters can help you save money, as well as find your forever space. The following sites will help you do just that.

5. Create A Budget:
In order to save money you need to create a budget. This entails keeping track of your expenses and where your money is going. Create a spending limit on the things you tend to buy the most. You can set a smaller spending amount for one or two months to save for a bigger spending the following month. https://www.mintnotion.com/budgeting/how-to-create-a-budget-for-beginners/ https://thismamablogs.com/create-a-realistic-budget/
6. Meal Prep:
What to do with your leftovers? REUSE THEM! Grocery shopping is a very time-consuming process. This is especially true if you don’t know what you want to eat. After a meal is cooked, the leftovers are either sitting in the fridge idle or tossed in the trash. Find different ways to use the extra plates you couldn’t eat. Place them in smaller containers and either store them in the fridge or freezer for later in the month. This will save you time when cooking, and give you a quick meal for the days when you don’t want to.
https://www.collegenutritionist.com/blog/breakfast-bento-box-meal-prep https://realbalanced.com/recipe/meal-prep-cajun-shrimp-and-cauliflower-rice/ https://www.budgetbytes.com/glazed-chicken-meal-prep/

7. Build A Garden:
Create a way to eat healthily and save money by starting your own garden. This could be a great way to spend time with your spouse or children. Also, this will help lighten the clip of the grocery bill! https://angelamariemade.com/how-to-build-a-raised-garden-bed-with-legs/ https://originalhomesteading.com/garden-seed-starting-ideas/
8. Create A Favorites Recipe Folder
Grab a pen and paper and list all your favorite things to eat. If you have a secret sauce or special french fry dip write it down! Keep your notes in the kitchen so you always have a happy meal when you don’t know what’s for dinner.

9. Plan Your Next Vacation:
So you completed a few things on this list and you have money to spend. What do you do with it? Well maybe use it to take a trip. Plan something fun to do alone or with your loved ones. Take a vacation down the road or head out of town! I’ve listed some cool links below.
10. Learn Another Language:
So You’ve tracked your finances. You’ve saved some money, created a budget, built your own garden, prepped your meals, planned your next vacation, and rented out your home. Time to learn that new foreign language! (Hey Big Spender!) Learning a new language could be a great way to boost your resume views, help with schoolwork, or travel abroad. Here are a few helpful links to assist you with all that.
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