With so many things to do and so little time to do them, let’s just say we all need a little help. This can be quickly done by using a weekly planner or journal. In most cases, we don’t typically purchase these things because we assume we don’t really need them. While lonely sheets of looseleaf paper, previously opened envelopes, and sticky notes work they can be hard to keep track of.
One way to properly view all the things we need to do is using a PLANNER. I think we went over that already but I will say it again. These templates will be good for keeping up with grocery shopping, doctors appointments and important dates and deadlines.
I suggest using printable templates to help combat these minor issues. Using a printable template is the same thing as using a planner. What makes this more convenient is that there are tons of them available! They allow you to pick and choose the style, theme, size, and form.
They can be downloaded and edited to create the perfect plan that fits your specific needs. Also, these can be used with a hole puncher and stored in a binder for safekeeping and easy access. You can use one when you need it and save the rest for later use.
What is a Weekly Planner Template?
A template is a prepared guideline that can be used to create and organize your daily tasks. Digital daily planner templates are editable and reusable. This makes it easier to organize your work, and tasks by including what needs to get done and when they need to be completed. It allows you to add and omit sections of the template that you may or may not need.
Weekly Planner One:
This weekly planner template is one of my absolute favorites! I like this template because it is color coded and aesthetically pleasing. Start this template by adding the month you will be using it. Add the day range for the week you will be starting and include the year. This sheet can be used for only the week listed on the sheet. When using this form you can save this sheet to be used this ONE time but it can be reused for the future as well. Let’s use a National Holiday for example. (This will be used for the remaining sections of the template)

The week of Monday- Sunday should include the things that you need to remember for that day. This should be where you list reminders for the week and things that need to get done. This can include Birthdays, appointments, Vacations, travel dates, or list things you need to do those days. If you are creating this to be used reoccurring list each of the things you plan on doing on the same day of the week regardless of the day range.

The to-do, list, and notes section can vary depending on your needs. If you will be using this template for the holidays add things you typically do during that week to help you form a traditional holiday event plan if you don’t have one already. This completed template is an example. I did NOT fully think this through I simply added a few things for informational purposes only.
Weekly Planner Two:
This planner is another one of my favorite planners. This planner has all the days of the week and breaks the week down into specific time increments. This would be a good planner for moms, stay-at-home, moms, and business planners. It allows you to specifically select what time frame you want to get things done.
Use this template if you need to schedule when the kids need to be up in the morning, picked up from afterschool, sporting event dates, field trips parent-teacher conferences, etc. For those businesses that take clients or need to follow strict deadlines, this planner will be very helpful. You can post it up in your office, use it at your cubicle desk or place it in your binder and store it at your workstation table.

Weekly Planner Three: